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How to equip a DP?


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Hello brothers,

in the new dex DP is quite expensive but I really dislike the drake so a winged MC may be the right solution to bring down enemy fliers or do a mess of enemy infantry.

My question is how equip him to maximize his efficiency?

My hypothesis is MoS (faster to go HtoH), Wing (of course), power armor and three psychic levels (one of Slaanesh and two of Biomancy).

He should be around 260 pt.


What do you think?

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DP should really carry Black Maces, with that little item, they can work around challenges, and kill in 2 turns (yours and opponents) any squad.


Also, walking DPs are too slow to be worth their points (in the gavdex they were not worth their point without wings), wings are mandatory.


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Another possibility is a khornate prince with the blind mace. Other than that though, those two are pretty much the only builds for a prince.


Do you mean blind axe?

The book says you must upgrade him to a prince of ...xyz... khorne for example, not that you give him the mark.

The Axe is only for characters with the mark of khorne. So if you go strikt by these words you cannot give it to him.



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Another possibility is a khornate prince with the blind mace. Other than that though, those two are pretty much the only builds for a prince.


Do you mean blind axe?

The book says you must upgrade him to a prince of ...xyz... khorne for example, not that you give him the mark.

The Axe is only for characters with the mark of khorne. So if you go strikt by these words you cannot give it to him.




Yes the axe. That's how the wording is now but most of us are pretty sure that it was an oversight by the author and will be cleared up with a FAQ. That's how I intend to play it as anyway.

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I think it depends on the situation. If you're needing some anti-tank then I'd go with the axe because the DP would then have strength 8 naturally and 9 on the charge. Would annihilate just about any armor wouldn't you say?


Currently though the best option is the mace, wings, armor and whatever mark you'd like.

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It is AMAZINGLY worth it.


For me, it'll always have power armor, wings, the Black Mace, and either be a Tzeentch or Khorne daemon. Cheap (for what it is) and immensely killy. It's more ridiculously violent in close combat than a Bloodthirster (and it's cheaper!), so that's saying something.


DP's cannot possibly take the Axe, it's not an oversight, and it will not be changed. No mark, no weapon. You don't need the Axe for anti-tank duties anyway. Just give him the mace and have at it. Smash for 3+ D6 S10 ( + charge bonus) attacks that reroll pen rolls. :)

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DP's cannot possibly take the Axe, it's not an oversight, and it will not be changed. No mark, no weapon. You don't need the Axe for anti-tank duties anyway. Just give him the mace and have at it. Smash for 3+ D6 S10 ( + charge bonus) attacks that reroll pen rolls. :)


What makes you say that Seahawk?

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What, their alignment issue? It's not like there was a skipped noun or misplaced verb...it's an entirely different system. They are "a daemon of...", not "may take the mark of..." It's the same as Draigo's sword not being a Nemesis weapon, or certain BA characters not being IC. To do otherwise would make them even more ridiculously strong than they already are.
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it is the cost and the fact that eldar runes and SW rune staffs exist . it is just not worth buying powers for a prince, unless you know that opponent doesnt have any anti psyker support [which is impossible in the age of ally] and even then we would run biomancy x3 , if we could.
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