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Raptors equipment question

Master of fact

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So i have built my new raptors with tank hunting in mind and given two member the melta gun.


In the codex entry it reads as following


Up to two raptors may replace their bolt pistol with a plasma pistol

Or take one of the following (list of specials)



Does this mean a raptor with melta gun keeps his bolt pistol and thus does not lose an attack for having 2 CCW?

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It also makes the plasma pistol objectively worse than meltaguns on them. It costs five more points than a meltagun, for the same range, lower strength, lower ap, no melat rule, gets hot, and doesn't even give you an extra attack in close combat because raptors keep their pistols when they buy meltaguns.
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Yeah, for some reason, GW consistently overvalues plasma pistols.


I think that either someone on the design team uses plasma pistols too often, and yells BOOM HEADSHOT! every time they hit, or someone has shifted them over a column on the (mythical?) spreadsheet of what everything is worth pointswise based on weapon attributes.

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