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tanks and wysiwyg


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I bought a cheap landraider second-hand, and in general it's in a good state so I am happy, but..


-the smoke launchers and lights are missing

-the heavy bolter is missing


now I'm wondering to what extend I should go to make it wysiwyg. I suppose I could make a scratchbuilt heavy bolter, but are the smoke launchers really neccesary?


also, do I have to do anything to make it convincingly chaos?



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I'd say you definitely need the heavy bolter, as it's a piece of weaponry, and you'll need to measure from it, etc. The smoke launchers... Ehhh... It wouldn't be hard to scratchbuild a few, they don't necessarily even have to look like the 'forked' launchers in the plastic kits. As a Chaos vehicle, you could have weird spires of twisted fleshmetal with little holes in them, to represent the warping influence of Chaos and how it re-shapes equipment. Or just some alternate jury-rigged contraption that performs the same role.


As for making it look visibly Chaos? No, it doesn't matter one bit IMO. Spikes or no spikes, it's still a Land Raider. Hell, it could be in another army's colour scheme - doesn't make a difference for wysiwyg - as long as it clearly is a Land Raider, and it has all the right upgrades, it can look however you want.


Wysiwyg extends as far as equipment and to an extent I think the shape and size of a model (e.g: to stop people creating Ratlings that counts-as Ogryns for LoS reasons), but colour scheme and aesthetics is all down to the owner of said models. A smoke launcher doesn't have to be one of the ones off the sprue, it just has to look like it could do the same job.


In my opinion anyways.

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In the spirit of the game, I'd say build the heavy bolter up (Purely because it would look better), but the smoke launchers don't have to be on there.


In my opinion as long as I as an opponent know what is supposed to be on them and am not confused because you're applying counts as on every second model, having a land raider with a bit or two missing isn't a problem. As the equipment on them is fairly standardized.


Not sure what kind of people you play with, and how they see "Wysiwyg", but thats how I would handle it.


After all I've never seen someone model a "Smoke's empty option" onto a tank or something silly like that <_<





But as mentioned in Nemesor's post it is fairly easy to scratch build smoke launchers and you could really be creative about them for chaos vehicles :lol:


Might have to steal that idea with the flesh metal by the way :D

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Might have to steal that idea with the flesh metal by the way <_<


Feel free. :lol:


Anyways, I think tbh TheDevourer is on the money. Bolter looks cool, and it's kind of important, but really the smoke launchers are all about how much work you want to do. Only a real stubborn rules-lawyer type is going to be a pain about them not being present on the model if you can show you paid the points for them. And tbh I'd not bother playing with people like that except in a tournament setting where you have no real choice.

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Haha people on tournies are usually up for fun and games too :D At least the tournie scene in Germany is <_<


Don't forget as long as you're forgiving the opponent usually is aswell! :lol:

If he wants to play by the letter then make him pay for it in blood, sweat and tears xD


I'm all for Nemesor's attitude towards players who jump up and down on "wysiwyg".

Just relax, warhammer is a game and that is how it should stay ;)

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In a similar vein, I have a rhino with no combi-bolter. All the hatches are bolted shut. Now, I'm perfectly happy to say "there's a dude with a combi-bolter inside that hatch and he pops out and shoots it in the shooting phase" but I don't know how well that's likely to go over with other people...
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Without wanting to start any heated debates, I'm pretty sure that wysiwyg still exists. At least it does for the purposes of power weapons so I'm guessing that must apply across the whole ruleset.


Also, it really depends on your gaming circles as to how harshly accurate modelling applies to games.


Imo it gets too confusing if you don't have some degree of consistent wysiwyg.......don't get me started on "counts as".......

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But I like my fire warriors counts as Khorne Berserkers.


Silliness aside WYSIWYG makes the game much easier and can be fun in terms of conversions (like the aforementioned daemonette Bolter). Most people are pretty understanding (not everyone has millions of dollars to spend on every variant of everything that we would like to play) so as long as you let your opponent know ahead of time its usually fine. Worst case scenario just stick a stickynote of exactly what your tank has to the top of it.

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But I like my fire warriors counts as Khorne Berserkers.


Silliness aside WYSIWYG makes the game much easier and can be fun in terms of conversions (like the aforementioned daemonette Bolter). Most people are pretty understanding (not everyone has millions of dollars to spend on every variant of everything that we would like to play) so as long as you let your opponent know ahead of time its usually fine. Worst case scenario just stick a stickynote of exactly what your tank has to the top of it.


Concurred. Thats how I wish I worded my previous post, much more eloquent than my effort.


Fire warrior beserkers you say...........khorne sometimes sheds blood in the strangest of ways

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