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Pre-Heresy counts-as Post-Heresy?


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Could the Legion Army list from HH: Betrayal provide what C:CSM(eh) lacks in sheer epicness?


Yes, it is forgeworld and all that. But what gives? It's a supplement like any other.


What really matters: So far, the possibilities of portraying my IW amaze me. The new Kellydex - not so much.


Siege Breakers, Artillery Squadrons, Techmarine Covenants, Conteptor Talons (Forgefiends), Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Mechanicum Allies.


BL/SoH and the marked Legions (exept TS) feature prominently. "Imperial Army" (IG) is a valid ally for everybody.

NL have Assault Squads as Troops, Jetbikes and will feature in Book II.

AL gets Destroyer and Reconnaisance Squads. Book III.

Only WB, besides the Chaplin, may indeed already have everything they ever wanted in C:CSM + Daemon allies. But Book II will tell...


Who's with me?

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And what about those of us who are Night Lords players who want Fast Attack with out lists and not a lists with a Fast Attack? I'm sorry, but "shock and awe" tactics can be represented by more than just "who can move the fastest."


So yes, if that's what you want to do, go for it.


But I'm sticking with the normal Codex. It's relatively well-balanced from everything I'm seeing and hearing and I can make my list my way. Which is "shock and awe" through overwhelming firepower that is used to cover the movements of my troops moving in to get close and personal.

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In my mind, it's the same as using any other Forgeworld supplement. If your gaming group allows forgeworld, I don't see the problem. I certainly don't share your frustration with the new 'dex, and as such I don't think the 30k rules are a necessary substitute. But necessary and allowable are two different things. If you like the 30k rules better than the 40k rules, and your friends are okay with forgeworld lists, then go for it.
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I haven't actually seen the new HH codex thing, but I don't think that it is 'just another supplement'. I think that it is significantly different from their other ones, and from what I have heard on the internet and fron friends who have seen it, then it would be completely broken against normal 40k armies.


Though, if your friends accept it then, go for it a CRUSH THEM

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In his fervor to again make me breathe deeply of the ashes from the snuff box of bitter disappointments, AD-B was munificent enough to point out that Warhammer 40K and the FW Horus Heresy rules blend about as well as a Pepperidge Farm holiday pack at a vegan gathering. They "may as well be separate games".
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Indeed. ADB said it in another topic, that the HH books were like a different game.


Imo, its something for friendly battles, but really not something that is balanced against the other armies. The HH books give a way to show the Epicness of the Great Crusade, where Mankind steamrolled over everything in its path, until it met itself. The 40k codices are made to be played against each other, and be 'sort' of balanced.

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HH army lists are not really balanced against 40k ones.


prove that assumption. I'd say it's about as balanced as 40k codices against each other, maybe better (marines don't have ATSKNF).


HH is officially tagged as a supplement for 40k. It's force org is designed to play battles in the 30thM, but I can't see normal 40k codex armies to be forbidden to do so (or the other way around), which leaves it the way it has always been: you need two players to agree about a game.


point is: these rules are MADE to portray a Legion, unlike C:CSM. As I see it now, many of the coolest rumors we heard about the Kellydex beforehand were just confused with tidbits from HH.

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point is: these rules are MADE to portray a Legion,

As they were back during the Horus Heresy, before they splintered into warbands, and went through the massive organisational changes, the corruption, and all other such things.

unlike C:CSM.

Which represents the Legions as they are now; broken, tainted things that are both far less and much, much more than they were before. They're two entirely different things.

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HH army lists are not really balanced against 40k ones.


prove that assumption. I'd say it's about as balanced as 40k codices against each other, maybe better (marines don't have ATSKNF).


HH is officially tagged as a supplement for 40k. It's force org is designed to play battles in the 30thM, but I can't see normal 40k codex armies to be forbidden to do so (or the other way around), which leaves it the way it has always been: you need two players to agree about a game.


point is: these rules are MADE to portray a Legion, unlike C:CSM. As I see it now, many of the coolest rumors we heard about the Kellydex beforehand were just confused with tidbits from HH.


One of FW videos have a game dev saying that HH legions are supposed to be balanced to play against each other, not against 40K armies.

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One of FW videos have a game dev saying that HH legions are supposed to be balanced to play against each other, not against 40K armies.


have a link? can't find anything like that in the one with alan bligh from the FW site...

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