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New Nurgling needing advice"!


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I am a complete novice when it comes to CSM, and i am looking for advice on where to start in collecting a Deathguard/Nurgle heavy army to compliment my Dark Eldar. I intend to use the Nurglites as an allied detachment to begin with, then expand them to a sizeable forcr in tneir own right. Any advice/suggestions of where to start will be greatly appreciated.

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If I were you I'd start by getting 2x7 Plague Marines, either from the box (Finecast) or Chaos/Loyalist marines that have been converted with greenstuff.

There are countless painting guides out there on the net and here on the B&C so take a look around at the stickies, Librarium, etc.

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I have some Plague Marines on the way so thaty start. What about a HQ. Im thinking a Sorcerer over s enoa Lord to begin with as my Archon packs enough of a CC punch. Are the psychic powers any good??? Which combos work best?
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You could go with a sorcerer, but a Lord will allow you to take PMs as troops, which is pretty important for holding objectives.

If you are hell-bent on using a sorcerer, Nurgle power + biomancy is a good rout to go.

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There will be a lord eventually but i personally think a Sorcerer will work best in an allied detachment. A Lord wouldnt really bring anything new to the table at this point. PM's as troops does not bother me yet as CSM's with MON should do fine for objective holding whilst my DE go forth and do what they do best
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Perhaps, but our sorcerers are not really good enough to justify taking over a Lord, if you have to choose between the two. Personally I dislike CSMs as objective holders. They don't have defensive grenades, they aren't fearless, and they only have LD 9. That makes them rather unreliable compared to PMs, which require significant resources to budge.
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The omly reason i am disinclined to take a Lord is because its a large points sink to put in a detachment when I already have HQ's which are just as good, if not better at what he does. Although i do see your point in that PM's are seemingly much more reliable than CSM's for the purposes i intend


How does this sound for starters:


Chaos Lord with MON, Power Maul, Combi-Bolter, Blight Grenades, Aura of Dark Glory


2 x 7 Plague Marines With 2 Melta Guns


Comes to just under 500 pts by my reckoning. Should be enough to hold my home objectived and give my opponent a bit of a headache to boot.

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The omly reason i am disinclined to take a Lord is because its a large points sink to put in a detachment when I already have HQ's which are just as good, if not better at what he does. Although i do see your point in that PM's are seemingly much more reliable than CSM's for the purposes i intend


How does this sound for starters:


Chaos Lord with MON, Power Maul, Combi-Bolter, Blight Grenades, Aura of Dark Glory


2 x 7 Plague Marines With 2 Melta Guns


Comes to just under 500 pts by my reckoning. Should be enough to hold my home objectived and give my opponent a bit of a headache to boot.


It's not any larger than a sorcerer, and it unlocks PMs as troops (otherwise you're stuck with cultists or CSMs). You can build up a pretty decent HQ for cheap, so I'm not sure what the points sink is... and for an allied detachment you're stuck with a single HQ so if you want plaguemarines (and who doesn't, really) then Lord or Typhus are your only options. Sorcerer has less wounds, less attacks, doesn't get PMs for troops, and has to buy at least one nurgle power (which aren't so great unless you get the level 2 one) and have access to the same equipment the Lord does. For an allied detachment of DG, your options are limited. You're playing DE, so I'm assuming you're good to go on FA and shooty slots. What are you looking at that you would need to supplement with the CSM dex?

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Im just not a fan of having a combat character hanging around twiddling his thumbs, thats the only hang up I have on the Lord. My DE are geared towards getting into the enemies deployment zone asap and and assaulting anythingg that moves so hence I have a lot of jetbike, Wyches, Incubi, then trueborn and Razorwing for fire support. This usually leaves my deploymentzone vulnerable so i want to

offset that with some tough objective holders

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Our sorcerers are pretty amazing, especially since we can upgrade them to Lvl 3 and familiars allow them to re-roll failed psychic tests. However, I would suggest what the others are suggesting. A lord with a power axe, MoN and nothing else is 95 points. That's dirt cheap for the ability to now make your plague marines troops. A unit of 7 PM's and a lord would be 308 points, with 2 plasma guns and a power axe on the champion, which isn't strictly necessary, so you could get away with a unit that's 293 with a lord and 7 extremely resilient troopers. That's a great little allied detachment. Although, I'd bring a maulerfiend as my allied heavy support :D
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They fulfill different roles, so it depends on what your DE are lacking. Do you need something to keep the pressure off your other vehicles? Maulerfiend is perfect. However, if you need more firepower, the forgefiend is your guy. So, look at the DE list you take with the most regularity and ask yourself what it struggles against. Then, fill the gap.
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Its mainly Dreadknights I have problems with in 6th. My Haywires and Lances take care of most vehicles and my Incubi and Wyches take out most infantry. Its the big, tough MC's that cause me a headache.

A Maulerfiend would be better for those guys yes?

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Oh, absolutely. Maulerfiends will tear a dreadknight apart. Just make sure to take lasher tendrils, as they drop the DK's attacks by 2, meaning he only has 2 attacks vs your 4, as long as you get the charge, which, if you play it right, you most certainly will. Maulerfiends move like greased lightning, pretty much assuring you the charge. Make sure to use the once-per-game daemonforge in a CC like that, as that way you re-roll your to-wound rolls, thus ensuring the DK's destruction.
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