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The Daemon God 295 points Prince


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:D I tried a Daemon Prince.


Decided to go all the way and ran;



Power Armour


3 Mastery Levels

Scrolls of Magnus

Spell Familiar

Combat Familiar

Gift of Mutation


I then rolled Boon of Mutation for my spell. Cast it on turn 1 and immediately turned into a Chaos Spawn, before proceeding to be cut down by Bikers on overwatch.



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:P I tried a Daemon Prince.


Decided to go all the way and ran;



Power Armour


3 Mastery Levels

Scrolls of Magnus

Spell Familiar

Combat Familiar

Gift of Mutation


I then rolled Boon of Mutation for my spell. Cast it on turn 1 and immediately turned into a Chaos Spawn, before proceeding to be cut down by Bikers on overwatch.




Sounds very cinematic!

Glad the Chaos Boon table was able to provide you with such an amazing experience. :D


Honestly though you did remember to reroll spawn results from the mutation spell though, right?

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It was destiny. ^^;


What I get for borrowing my brother's DP model (which is painted for Slaanesh) and fielding it under Tzeentch's name, I guess. It was only a 1500 point game... considering, I'm pretty proud that I only lost by 1 objective, considering that I was reduced to 1 Rubric and Ahriman at the end of the game against his 1 Dreadnought (holding the objective) and 8 Death Company. Especially since both of my objectives were sabotaged. Another turn and I might have Doombolted the Dread and won. ^^;

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I must be getting old because I'm failing to see why wings are more important now than before.

If you're gliding then you have some extra movement. That's simple enough but I'm not sure its mandatory.

If you're swooping, you can't charge things and you lack significant shooting abilities. Is it the vector strike? That seems solid but not amazing @ S6.

Maybe in a demon list where you saturate the air with them to overwhelm the opponents AA but a single flying prince just seems like a good target for an aegis Quad gun.


So what am I missing?

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I must be getting old because I'm failing to see why wings are more important now than before.

If you're gliding then you have some extra movement. That's simple enough but I'm not sure its mandatory.

If you're swooping, you can't charge things and you lack significant shooting abilities. Is it the vector strike? That seems solid but not amazing @ S6.

Maybe in a demon list where you saturate the air with them to overwhelm the opponents AA but a single flying prince just seems like a good target for an aegis Quad gun.


So what am I missing?


I also run hell drakes, and my predators usually take out the quadgun if there is one.


Also, Daemon Princes are fairly easy to hide from quad-guns, at least in my experience. Being hit on a 6 and not being hit by demo cannons is a huge adavantage.

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Maybe in a demon list where you saturate the air with them to overwhelm the opponents AA but a single flying prince just seems like a good target for an aegis Quad gun.


So what am I missing?

chaos doesnt use DPs outside of chaos demon lists with csm ally . So you kind of anwserd your own question. the number of limiters for optimal builds are realy higher comparing to the necron or even DE dex [if we just think 5th ed] , not to mention GK .

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