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maulerfiend directions, or lack of


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So has any one else noticed the extra pieces in the maulerfiend /forgefiend kit? Specifically pieces 1,2,3, and 3? I didn't see any diagrams for them in the directions, but I guess they're suppose to be the magma cutters. This leads to another issue of how many people built theirs according to the guide and gave it lasher tendrills instead of magma cutters when they wanted magma cutters. More specifically how will Wysiwyg players handle this? I suppose the maulerfiend may not be the most representednmodel at a tourney, but technically speaking I sipose a lot of people who do use one and decide to keep the magma cutters wont be properly modeled
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Assuming its this piece from the image on the website.



yup this. I kinda figured thats where it goes, but i just think it would be really easy to forget about it as its not mentioned in the directions. I only noticed it cause I was building a forgefiend and I was looking for what bits i'd have left over for conversions.

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