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Whitmans sampler army


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Question in regards to the new codex- I had an idea to take a unit of each cult marine as the core of the army. Specifically, a unit of CC Noise Marines with a Slaanesh Lord, unit of Berzerkers, unit of Plague Marines with Plasma guns, and a unit of Thousand Sons all in Rhinos, and a back field shooty unit of Noise Marines. The concept of course is to try and use all 4 cults in concert with each other, taking advantage of each one's strengths. Has anyone tried something like this yet, and any advice on it? I can see it being sort of like an Eldar aspect warrior army, but with power armor!
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Like Aidoneus said, you won't get all 4 of those options to be Troops now. Instead choose the 2 best ones that will be your troops to cap objectives and give your HQ's those marks to unlock the respective cult unit. If you want a backline of shooty Noise Marines, I'd recommend NOT taking a Slaaneshi lord since they most likely won't be scoring.


But it otherwise sounds like a fun plan :D

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