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Khorne Lord Zhufor

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Hey guys, I just put some finishing touched on a TT miniature for a client.

He wanted Lord Zhufor done for his World Eaters army. Unfortunately the pictures aren't the best, I'll take better ones tomorrow in the daylight.

Base will be done by the client.





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Good contrast on the metals, I like that the recesses are not only darker but duller than the raised parts. I am actualy a fan of the purple shading on the armor and the red seems brighter than most, just the way I like it. Well done. Hard to tell from pictures but is that a web/slime effect between his tusks?
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Cheers guys

I apologize for the delay in replying. I was delivering the piece to the client today.


Glad you saw what I was going for Nihm! :)


Magic: The purple is actually shaded down to a regal blue in the deepest areas, although while uploading and editing the photo for final results, it brought out the purple more than actually present in the miniature. I took some new photo's and will have some up shortly.


Small: Yes it is. There is also blood slime from the mouth and tusks and gore from the fist and axe shaft.

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Chaplain, I don't believe in trade secrets. The only secret I have is my miniature line that will be out next year. <_<


I used Rhinox hide as a basecoat and added highlights with Mournfang Brown and Ushabti Bone, final highlights with Ceramite White and washed with Earthshade.


The reason I don't believe in trade secrets is because each painter applies paint in different ways, so giving away your colour recipe won't always yield the same result painter to painter. ;)

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