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Thunderfire cannon and Techmarine Instant death


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Just a quick question since I'm not entirely sure how this should work:


With a Thunderfire cannon, you use its T7 when it is being shot at, but then any successful wounds are allocated to the closest model in the unit to the enemy.

If the techmarine was the closest, and the wound was allocated to him, for the purposes of Instant death, do I use the T7 which the wound was scored against, or do I go by the Techmarine's toughness, since the wound was allocated to him?


Sorry if this is an obvious question.


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When rolling to wound, you always use the Majority Toughness.


When checking for instant death, it's on a model-by-model basis. If the unit was hit by a S8 weapon and the techmarine was closest and failed his save, he gets splattered.

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you sure about the GC?


yup, ive been using t-fires for years, the thunderfire techmarine has a single wound.. unless its been FAQd and ive missed it?


nah!! Probs not, I thought they were always 2. Probs just got confused with the elite choice.

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Dark angel Techmarines have 2 wounds.


Space marine Techmarines have 1 wound. It is possible that they had 2 wounds in an earlier edition.


Elite slot techmarines had two wounds in every 4th Edition Codexd (which means Templars and Dark Angels retain 2-wound techmarines for now :)). In every OTHER edition they had/have one wound.

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  • 3 weeks later...

page 46


If shooting at an artillery unit, the toughness of the gun is always used whilst at least one gun remains, any wounds caused are still allocated to the closest model.


Moot for regular techmarines on the TFC, but it means if you had another character or if, for some reason, your techmarine got an extra wound, he would be T7 for instant death purposes against shooting only.

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page 46


If shooting at an artillery unit, the toughness of the gun is always used whilst at least one gun remains, any wounds caused are still allocated to the closest model.


Moot for regular techmarines on the TFC, but it means if you had another character or if, for some reason, your techmarine got an extra wound, he would be T7 for instant death purposes against shooting only.


No, once the wound is allocated you would work out toughness v instant death normally.

If you actually read the rule you quoted you'll notice it says, "if shooting" which means that once you have the number of wounds caused you're not shooting anymore, you're allocating wounds, removing models etc.

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