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HQs choice help


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Okay so for my Chaos army, I've been having a little trouble choosing a HQ for 1500+ games. The main armies I verse are; Chaos, Space Marines, Dark Angels, Tyranids and Necrons on some occasion. Now the HQ's I currently own (and to anyone that says "oh get this model, get a named character ect ect" I have no money and I have what I have)

Terminator Lord with Power Sword and Combi-Bolter,

Chaos Lord (Dark vengeance),

Chaos Lord with Power Fist and a Combi-Melta,

A generic Daemon Prince,

3 Sorcerers, one with a staff and plasma gun, one with a sword and bolt pistol and the other with an axe and bolt pistol.


And yes I run them as Khorne unless its a sorcerer.

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For me the terminator and the Dark Vengeance are the best options.

You can play them with power weapon or demon weapon.


The one with power fist is not good idea. He has to attack with initiative 1 and with the actual rules is better to make the chaos lords to make faster attacks than no-one.


Daemon Prince is cool but is too expensive now.


And the sorcerers, well, is not "Khornish" but in the old fluff, the World Eaters has sorcerers too (Lost and the dammed books)

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For me the terminator and the Dark Vengeance are the best options.

You can play them with power weapon or demon weapon.


The one with power fist is not good idea. He has to attack with initiative 1 and with the actual rules is better to make the chaos lords to make faster attacks than no-one.


Daemon Prince is cool but is too expensive now.


And the sorcerers, well, is not "Khornish" but in the old fluff, the World Eaters has sorcerers too (Lost and the dammed books)


my daemon prince with his upgrades only cost 215 points but yeah I can see where you're coming from, and as for the Sorcerers, I used them today in a 2000 point game and had him with the chosen from DV and he did well but like you said, it's not fluff...y


so how would you run the DV lord?

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A particularly vicious HQ I've been fielding for 195 is a Termie Lord, with MoK, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption, Chain Fist (but you dont have to, I like a reliable vehicle popper), and Veterans of the Long War. He tears terminators to shreds and anything Power Armoured. The 4+ Invuln is wicked nice. The -1 WS is somewhat annoying, but most troops will let you hit on a 3+. I usually cram him in a landraider with some Zerkers. Could always try using The Murder Sword and make him a dedicated Character Slayer.
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When I run the terminator I give the following;


Chaos Lord

-Terminator upgrade

-Murder Sword

-Mark of Khorne

-Sigil of Corruption

-Gift of Mutation

(and if SM Veterans of the long war)


last game I played I killed a terminator lord of Tzeench on the first strike. Having him as my anti HQ is very helpful :3

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When I run the terminator I give the following;


Chaos Lord

-Terminator upgrade

-Murder Sword

-Mark of Khorne

-Sigil of Corruption

-Gift of Mutation

(and if SM Veterans of the long war)

Good little sum up.


If you want to keep it cheap you could also chose not to include de Sigil of Corruption and the Gift of Mutation.


A nice alternative for the Murder Sword is the Khorne Axe, great for mowing down units quickly, in special with the VotLW.



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last game I played I killed a terminator lord of Tzeench on the first strike. Having him as my anti HQ is very helpful :3


That was my Terminator Sorcerer...and you did designate him as the target of your Murder Sword. If only my Daemon Prince had turned up earlier, or that Aspiring Champion had rolled a better boon from killing your termi champ.

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Murdhurr Sword is quite nice for that use.


Sometimes it really is just what you need when your opponent has a single HQ or a single HQ who actually mathers.

For the land-mowing the Axe is favourite.


Perhaps use both just in some Termy armour and offcourse drop the crazy do-nothing combi-bolter.

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last game I played I killed a terminator lord of Tzeench on the first strike. Having him as my anti HQ is very helpful :3


That was my Terminator Sorcerer...and you did designate him as the target of your Murder Sword. If only my Daemon Prince had turned up earlier, or that Aspiring Champion had rolled a better boon from killing your termi champ.



Yes your Daemon princes 3 inch attempted charge XD THAT was epic

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I have tried the following setup in a friendly game.


Chaos Lord

Mark of Khorne

Veteran of the Long War

Terminator Armour

Power Fist

Axe of Blind Fury


It worked reasonably well and while it gets tricky due to the low WS this HQ is a good all rounder to park into an unit of terminators.

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I have tried the following setup in a friendly game.


Chaos Lord

Mark of Khorne

Veteran of the Long War

Terminator Armour

Power Fist

Axe of Blind Fury


It worked reasonably well and while it gets tricky due to the low WS this HQ is a good all rounder to park into an unit of terminators.


Why bother with the fist when you have the super death axe? You're already wounding most things on 2's and punching through any armor save.

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I think no one understood the fact that I cant change his weapon, my lord is metal and has a power sword, if I could change it to an axe I would've by now.


Murder sword seems like the obvious choice to me. Call it a basic power sword in <1000 points games and then take the Murder sword for higher games. It might not be a demon weapon but it can still be quite effective. You'll just need to use a proper support and delivery method because he's isn't on a bike, have a jumppack or is a terminator.

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Obvious choice seems to be DV lord with Sword of Murder. I have him as well but never used.

Also I am not doing bad with fist/combi-melta lord. After some experiance from the past, the combi-melta is count as Burning Brand of Skalathrax so my lord is:


Chaos Lord

Mark of Khorne - Charging with 5A S8

Sigil of Corruption - Allowing to live long enough to fight with fist

Gift of Mutation - to get helpful boon

Burning Brand of Skalathrax - to burn those who oppose you before you get close enough

Power Fist - S8 for instant kill of space marines and crushing some tanks if necessary

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