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Boon of Mutation


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I had a quick question. I know allied Brother in Arms can cast blessings on each other, and I don't have my chaos codex on me at the moment. Can it effect allies? Like the named Greater Daemons?


Also, anyone have a good boon of mutation tale. If it turned the tide of battle. Just curious of I should include a Sorcerer or Prince in my Chaos Space Marine allies.

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I had a quick question. I know allied Brother in Arms can cast blessings on each other, and I don't have my chaos codex on me at the moment. Can it effect allies? Like the named Greater Daemons?


Have you answered your own question there? If you can cast blessings on brothers in arms...then you can cast blessings on brothers in arms (who are you allies). Are Chaos Marines/Daemons BiA's?

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Yeah. But the blessing is to roll on the boon chart. Wasn't sure how he power is worded

If it's restricted to codex Chaos Space Marines.


I think, as it stands, you can do it and it's fine/works - who knows if they'll FAQ against it though (like how they stopped Daemons from joining marine units.....)!


Mutiple Blessings on a Thirster would be hilarious... spawndom, not so much ;) - but that's the joy of it!


I do have a good gift of mutation tale (not boon) though:


Gift of Mutation on a Daemon Prince, rolled the multiple blessings option, wound up T6 and with a 2+ save (combined with Daemon of Tzeentch letting me re-roll saves of a 1) and the Black Mace he accounted for over 900 points of the enemy Blood Angels (including Mephiston).


I was happy.


Second game I rolled +1 BS ;) - Daemon Prince was still woth it though.

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Boons seem like so much fun! The multiple rolls seem awesome on Gift of Mutation. On boon of mutation it seems scary. More of a chance to roll spawn or Daemon Prince. Fateweaver doesn't want to be demoted to a prince.


I was thinking Bloodthirster and Fateweaver. Imagine Fateweaver with Feel No Pain on top of his crazy re-rolls. Or the +1 Str to a ranged weapon. Str 9 ap 1 bolt of tzeentch seems crazy for flyers.


Heralds and the Pyrocaster can be effected as well. I might have to try this out. I didn't even think about allies with the power.


On another note, I noticed in a different thread, someone wanted to attach their Tzeentch Sorcerer on a disc to a unit of Screamers of Tzeentch. As you noted, Daemons can't join Marines, but can it be the other way around? And if so, how does that work with being held in reserves?

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Boons seem like so much fun! The multiple rolls seem awesome on Gift of Mutation. On boon of mutation it seems scary. More of a chance to roll spawn or Daemon Prince. Fateweaver doesn't want to be demoted to a prince.


I was thinking Bloodthirster and Fateweaver. Imagine Fateweaver with Feel No Pain on top of his crazy re-rolls. Or the +1 Str to a ranged weapon. Str 9 ap 1 bolt of tzeentch seems crazy for flyers.


Heralds and the Pyrocaster can be effected as well. I might have to try this out. I didn't even think about allies with the power.


On another note, I noticed in a different thread, someone wanted to attach their Tzeentch Sorcerer on a disc to a unit of Screamers of Tzeentch. As you noted, Daemons can't join Marines, but can it be the other way around? And if so, how does that work with being held in reserves?


Indeed - Boon would feel super risky with Multiple Gifts! A S9 bolt of Tzeentch does sound pretty appealing though! As does FnP Fateweaver ;)


I think Marines are prohibited from joining Daemon units too, sadly, at least from what I remember in the FAQ. It's a bit of a shame, considering Daemons are Chaos Marines only allies, but there we are.

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