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Fire Golem

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i didnt know where to post this, so i posted it in the space marine and chaos threads.


Im stuck atm as to which army to do, ive narrowed it down to three choices:


Play Space Marines (or some variation) and use the horus heresy models along with gw plastics, and later on get the Forge World hh book,


Play chaos, using converted hh models and later get the hh book


These choices allow me more chance to play as i can play normal 40k games, but i really like the look of the hh book.


Or, just get the hh book.


Sorry, i just really dont know what to do :L



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i didnt know where to post this, so i posted it in the space marine and chaos threads.


Im stuck atm as to which army to do, ive narrowed it down to three choices:


Play Space Marines (or some variation) and use the horus heresy models along with gw plastics, and later on get the Forge World hh book,


Play chaos, using converted hh models and later get the hh book


These choices allow me more chance to play as i can play normal 40k games, but i really like the look of the hh book.


Or, just get the hh book.


Sorry, i just really dont know what to do :L




Due all the strange stuff in the CSM codex, like daemons, oblits and such, I would say to stick with the normal SM codex, if you plan on build a HH force. Just get some more info on the HH book, before start buying, cause maybe you'll need to avoid some types of SM units, not available in the HH book.


Answering your question, go with the 1st choice - that's what I would do if I had the budget to go for FW.

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Thank you for the help, i think im gonna go the space marine->hh route. I love some of the chaos stuff, but the 'normal' (older) chaos stuff does nothing for me. I might pick a legion and do both a pre heresy (sm and hh book) and post heresy (chaos book) later ;)
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