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Re-Fluffing "Cult" Troops for an Undivided Army

Wade Garrett

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I've always liked the idea of fluffing up undivided warbands with unique squads like this. I'm working on a Word Bearers offshoot and I've got a thing for shields. Since chaos doesn't get stormshields or even combat shields I've had the idea mulling around to represent invulnerable saves as shields so why not a 1k sons squad represented by marines with shields? I just finished putting together a squad for part of my Call of Chaos vow that is going to be my sorc's understudy accompanied by his personal guard. They've all got shields from the men at arms box fastened to their left arms with their bolter and eyes just peaking around the edges. I figure being fitted with a bulky shield also accounts for them also being slow and purposeful.
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