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Questions about the new codex


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(First of all, excuse me my english is awful)

Hi I'm a new CSM player, but I'm a little lost with the new codex in general, so there are some points I would like to ask:


-Are mono gods army viable?


-I feel like Thousand Sons and Plague marines are a little too expensibe, do this units pay off?


-I got some Chosen from the Dark V. box, in which roles do they exceed?


-I got the impression that vehicles are easy to destroy? Do for example a predator pays off?


-Obliterators with many weapons are far more expensive than hellbrutes. Why use hellbrutes?


-Bersekers have furious charge, and icon of wrath gives furious charge, i don't understand that option.


-Rhinos are really cheap but they look fragile, is there any way to improve its survibaly?


Thanks for your time!

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(First of all, excuse me my english is awful)

Hi I'm a new CSM player, but I'm a little lost with the new codex in general, so there are some points I would like to ask:


-Are mono gods army viable?

They are playable but I would not bring one to a competitive tournament.


-I feel like Thousand Sons and Plague marines are a little too expensibe, do this units pay off?

They are expensive but Plagues can take two specials in min units rather cheaply and are pretty solid all around. Thousand Sons while my favorite got

nerfed pretty hard (slow and purposeful is just bad now and does not help them shoot like before, as everyone can do that now)

-I got some Chosen from the Dark V. box, in which roles do they exceed?

chosen are very pricy and i would only run them in an abadon list.


-I got the impression that vehicles are easy to destroy? Do for example a predator pays off?

Vehicles are easier to destroy now but the armor 13 on pred is very solid. This and it is alot cheaper then before making it very viable. Though havoks

are alot cheaper too so this will come down to play style.

-Obliterators with many weapons are far more expensive than hellbrutes. Why use hellbrutes?

I dont think hellbrutes are very worth it for the points unless you really need some more target saturation in a mostly assult list and even then i think

there are better options.


-Bersekers have furious charge, and icon of wrath gives furious charge, i don't understand that option.

It gives them +1 combat resolution(its also cheaper for them then any other unit because of this.)


-Rhinos are really cheap but they look fragile, is there any way to improve its survibaly?

Not really, rhinos are not the must haves that they used to be. Slogging troops is more popular these days. You can use it to block los while slogging troops and outfit it with combibolter and Havok for a psudo-razorback.


Thanks for your time!

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Some people like them alot as a squad that can take alot of special weapons or make them into a CC squad and do fine. I prefer bikers as they are two points more for higher T and better mobility. I would recommend testing your own play styles and see what fits you best. I personally use those chosen as Aspiring Champions for my CSM squads as I think thats what an Aspiring champion should look like :)
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I have found rhinos useful,hide the squad behind it and rush them up field and make sure you put a dirge caster on them and makes for one heck of an assault unit. I have been pairing mine with noise marines and have yet to loose them to incoming fire( I mainly play against nids though).
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hell brutes are cheap gun platforms. give them a reaper auto cannon and missile launcher for 20pt and if you get lucky you can fire them twice!!


the chosen minis make good aspiring champions


give rhinos destroyer blades and demonic possession and just have them driving around 18" a turn tank shocking troops. a pretty good way of drawing fire and clear objectives. d6 strength 5 attacks for 65 points isnt bad or give them a havoc launcher extra combi bolter and warp gargoles take a bunch of these as a cheap waepons platform and soul blaze

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that does make me wonder. Why not go all out infantry? If only the pred is really worth it for price vs effectiveness. I hear a lot of people complaining about AV 12, and Havocks outperforming most daemon engines..

Why not go all out on infantry then? (as in havocks, oblits, csm, etc)

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that does make me wonder. Why not go all out infantry? If only the pred is really worth it for price vs effectiveness. I hear a lot of people complaining about AV 12, and Havocks outperforming most daemon engines..

Why not go all out on infantry then? (as in havocks, oblits, csm, etc)


Yep that's what i was thinking, havocs are cheap and can make the predator's work, and i guess they will resist more turns. Don't know what to think about it, predators are also cheap. :)

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Put your rhinos behind a Landraider, that makes them more survivable. Also rush them with flying princes & other fast units to increase target saturation. Or run them along the flanks if your opponent doesn't have much down there.


Just don't charge 1-2 up the midfield on their own :)

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I know it's probably rude, but has anyone got a link for a pdf of the new 'Dex? I shold be getting it in a month for my birthday, but I'd like to have a flick through.


Try Google...



Kurgan the Lurker posted a rather severe sounding warning a very short while ago, so if I were you I would not post that question unless you really want to be banned for a while.

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