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Power of the Machine Spirit and Assaulting...


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Greetings friends. I came across this issue in a game earlier today and I'm hoping you all can help shine some light on it.


The scenario:


I'm a BT player. I have a Land Raider Crusader with 5 assault terminators in it. Directly in front of my LRC is a Chaos Land Raider that I wish to purge. Also in front of it is a large group of Heritic infantry. With power of the machine spirit I decide to shoot the Multi-Melta at the Land Raider in front of me, while firing my LRC's remaining guns at the infantry. In this case the Multi-Melta destroyed the Chaos Land Raider causing the possessed inside of it to pop out, while the remaining guns killed half of the infantry.


My question to you is as follows: In the ensuing assault phase, would my assault terminators be able to charge the possessed that popped out of the enemy land raider? Or would they be forced to charge the infantry squad that the rest of the guns shot at? Or... since I fired at both units are they able to pick which one they assault?


My understanding is that you have to assault the unit you shot at... but in this case I shot at two different units due to the rules with PoTMS. How should I proceed?


Thanks in advance!

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I was under the impression any models that wanted to assault had to get out of the vehicle in the movement phase (and that it had to be either open-topped or an assault vehicle, but that's not really important right now since a land raider is an assault vehicle), I can't find anything that allows a unit still in a transport in the assault phase to charge directly out of it.


That said, all I can find about disembarking is that the models had to begin their movement phase within the transport and are allowed to get out either before or after the transport's own movement (providing it didn't move too far if after). I didn't see anything specifying they couldn't disembark using movement from running in the shooting phase or charging. I couldn't find anything about it in the FAQ either.


If you can only voluntarily disembark from a transport in the movement phase, your terminators shouldn't have a problem with who they could charge because of the land raider's shooting. Either they already got out and are now seperate from the transport, or they didn't get out and can't charge this turn. If you can disembark in the assault phase and charge, well, I guess you're free to choose who the unit assaults without the transports target having an impact, unless they fired out of a firepoint during the shooting phase, in which case they'd have to charge that unit.

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My question to you is as follows: In the ensuing assault phase, would my assault terminators be able to charge the possessed that popped out of the enemy land raider?

No. Embarked units can not assault. The unit would have had to Disembark in your Movement phase (BRB, Pg.78).

I'm a BT player. I have a Land Raider Crusader with 5 assault terminators in it.


My understanding is that you have to assault the unit you shot at... but in this case I shot at two different units due to the rules with PoTMS. How should I proceed?

Correct, but the unit of Terminators is a separate unit from the Land Raider unit, so the unit or units shot at by the Land Raider in no way affect the unit which can be shot at or assaulted by the Terminators.

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