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Maulerfiend, Tendrils or Magma?


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Cutter's, cutter's will pretty much always do something, while tendrils a) cost (you want him as cheap as possible) and :woot: won't always matter.


I've used a Maulerfiend 3 times, and he's been brutal in two of those games. (In the third I was up against Tau with alot of railguns...)

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If you're taking the mauler in the first place, you want the cutters. Lack of attacks is one of the maulers biggest failings, imo, and without the cutters you have even fewer. The enemy attacks you're most concerned about are grenades, and tendrils don't reduce the number of attacks infantry can make with grenades. Tendrils aren't worthless - they help if you get stuck in a fight with fists. If you could purchase them in addition to cutters they might be worth considering. But the cutters aren't nice, they're necessary, so there you go.
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I disagree, the cutters have a big drawback that being they hit something that's already been hit by the fists so chances are it's already dead, where as the tendrils reduce attacks coming at you which against nades isn't that good but against hammers, fists and there like is gold. Your choice should be based on what's it's going for if vehicles then cutters can help out for those flunked rolls we all get from time to time and if your going tarpit tendrils will keep you alive longer.
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Sure, but would you prefer 15 hammer attacks against you or 5 (if they charge you unit of 5) I'd take the reduced attacks any day, plus you've still got the deamon save and getting one or two 5 ups is better than having to get around 10. Though this works for me as vehicles are becoming rearer in my area, there's still transports but auto havoks deal with them so its raiders and there like so I'd use the forge ability to make sure of it, plus once it's dead what's your fiend going to do? With cutters it'll charge and die with lash it could tar pit units for a while.
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5 still has a likely chance it will kill the fiend. I think it also still brings to Initiative 1 if not, and will kill me the turn after.. not really a tarpit. No, i do also think tendrils make for a better option, and let it go fast after 1-2 vehicles before it dies, if it even makes it that far..
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It can certainly live through 5 thunder hammer/power fist attacks, that would be far pressed to outright kill it. Unless they are just lucky with their pen rolls.


The issue I have with it is the amount of attacks it gets, 2 is just sad for a pure CC option. This thing needed far more than that or a random number of attacks (like spawn). Also, not being able to take wargear is just silly, Dirge Caster just screams being used on these guys. I have been seeing most Space Marine players running Land Raiders these days so these things may end up being not terribly useless if they can actually pop one of those.


They just needed a few more attacks to be useful IMO.

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