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Since there is nothing anywhere in the rules that says a Prince cannot be turned into a spawn after winning a challenge, why would this be any different? Don't boon your Prince if you're so worried...


I don't believe the Daemon Prince has the Champion of Chaos rule, therefore they wouldn't have to challenge, and would not get any boon rolls unless you take the gift of mutation.


That said, Gift of Mutation couldn't Spawn or Prince your character, as you re-roll both results.


Remember, you can only re-roll rolls once per the core rules. If you ge the DP or the Spawn result on the second roll, you're stuck with it. Or so I read it, I'd be glad to be wrong.

Wut? "Don't apply any Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis results; roll again on the table instead." Looks pretty clear to me that you roll again(not re-roll) whenever you get those results...

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