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The drop pods petals/ramps (again)


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I seach fu this before and can only find 5th ed post on this question.


Do the petals/ramps on a drop pod count for detirming if it can be hit (eg a flamer template over the squad that disembarked and it is also over one of the petal/ramps but not the main hull)


the rule i refer to is on pg 73 of the little RB, state;

when a unit fires at a vechicle, it must be able to see its hull or turrent (ignoring the vec gun barrels, antennas, deco banner pole etc.) Note that, unlike other models,a vechicle wings are not ornmental and are a part of its hull.


emphasing his quote


now I ask because my oppenent today did this with by pod, say that because the ramp was part of the hull it means it is hit aswell. I disagree and argue if that was the case he would have to move his other unit away as they were within 1" of one of the petals/ramps. we end the arguement with a dice roll (he won, :yes: 6) but fail to hurt my pod or sterngaurd.


what has everyone else been doing with regards to the pods petal/ramps.

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