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Power Armour Lord and Sorcerer...


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As the title of the topic says I am interested in your opinion on the power armoured lord and sorcerer. I like the idea of the astartes legions of old and I want to write down the fluff for my Black Legion lord and his sorcerer counselor. Despite being a great fan of the terminator armour both in fluff and on tabletop I am curious to explore the use of a power armoured HQ.


My questions are the following:


A PA HQ is a squishy commander and I am curious how to make him tough enough without taking Mark of Nurgle, a Bike, a Mount and other similar things. Is Aura of Dark Glory enough to carry him over a duel or should I invest in more defensive upgrades?


How to equip a PA lord and sorcerer to serve as unit commanders and buffers for my CSM squads? Should I take daemonic weapons, play with 3 Mastery spells (that means three chances for Perils) or simply use them as a bit tougher and stronger chaos champion?


Which unit should escort my PA lord and sorcerer across the field of battle? A buffed unit of 20 CSM, Possessed, Chosen?


How do you see the PA lord and sorcerer in a game context, are they useful, a waste of points or simply suicide units?



I am asking all this since I want to make a PA Black Legion Captain now Lord to serve as my HQ and since I am in a pretty competitive gameclub I need every advice on this unit. Since I am quite a fluff nut I plan to go Undivided and on foot but the rest is open to suggestion. How would you build and play a PA Chaos Lord and Sorcerer?

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If u want the Lord for just unlocking Culttroops then i would go with just a PA and a Mark.

Hidding them in some cultists isnt bad for sure but i wouldn´t count on that.


But if u want the lord fighting in the front row killing your opponents, some more Armor/Protection or Speed would be cool.

Undivided on foot doesnt give you good options to prevent instant death.

Maybe use some Land Raiders of Rhino´s but i dont see them running all the way where you want them.


The sorcerer on the other hand is a little bit better in a unit to hide him. I would go with cultists, because your opponent won´t get to many points killing their way

to your HQ. Give him a Familiar if u fear the warp :lol:

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A PA sorcerer with 3lvl's and a familiar would work well in a supporting role while hanging back and buffing/de-buffing stuff with telepathy. As for a lord. I'd only run him on foot in PA if he was riding in rinos. Otherwise there is no real reason not to mount him on a bike or steed or go with termi-armor.
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I think a sorcerer can work as a supporting character, particularly undivided or slaaneshi aligned. A lord, however? Well, a power armored infantry lord could maybe work with a sigil and the MoT for a 3++ save, maybe armed with a power sword & power axe, or power fist & lightning claw, so you have a choice of AP3 at init or AP2 unwieldy? Gets real pricy, though, and built pretty much exclusively for melee, so you start to wonder why you aren't in terminator armor or riding a bike. And MoT lords don't unlock anything to troops ... not that that matters, I guess. I kind of like basic CSMs better than any of the cult troops except maybe plagues these days....


As for an undivided lord with an aura, pwep, vets for 100 even, well, 3+ 5++ really is not enough protection when going up against enemy HQs. You can use this guy in small points games just to get in the obligatory HQ, and he'll do well enough against unit champs, but as soon as you have the points you'll want to spring for more.

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I plan to run a Slaaneshi jump pack lord with sigil and 2x claws. It's not 2+/3++ but a 3+/4++ isn't what I'd consider weak either. I'm hoping that the I6 with shred gives me the advantage against most units while the jump pack should help me keep away from nasty squads of TH/SS terminators.
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Thanks for the replies. Well my idea is of a basic field commander in PA running around and just pretending to be a former BL captain, thus I am interested in the use of PA Undivided HQ. The Sorcerer seems to be quite useful both as an upgrade and as a support character but I guess that the TA, Bike or steed are almost mandatory nowdays. The problem is that all the four upgrades require an escort unit for they will project my lord toward the enemy by deep strike, jump or simply fast movement thus I have to include either terminators, raptors or bikers in my list. I try to avoid cheesy units and go with some more fluff inclined choices but it seems that terminator armour is almost the universal answer to every 40k battlefield.


Still wouldn't a good unit of Chosen form a proper honor guard for my PA lord, perhaps in a Rhino or in a Land Rider and thus be able to fearlessly charge into the enemy with a reasonable chance of success?


It seems that GW wants us to play Nurgle or Slannesh to be a competitive army but I hope that even Undivided can work...and PA too.

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I'd say that a slogging unit on the larger side of basic Marines with all the toys will be a good place for a termi lord. I'd also like to point out that Bikes are amazing in this codex.


I'd say overall the winners in this codex is basic CSM squads of 10-15, undivided or khorn. Bikes in any way shape or form, spawns, cultists and havocs. If you go with them you will be golden. Terminators in larger squads and chosen in an Abaddon list are also really solid and good picks. But they do need you to focus your list a bit more then you might want.


So short story long :) have terminator armor to hang out with the foot squads or a bike to jump around or go aggro with the bike squad/s or spawns. Sorcerer can have PA and hide in the back, or do as the lore does.

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I don't run an HQ without the Chaos Iron Halo (Sigil of Corruption), I went through with a pen in the codex and scratched out the incorrect default points cost of the Lord and Sorcerer and added 25 points to it for it so I'd never leave it at home.


The only cult troops I had were Khorne Beserkers, and I got a spare elites spot when I'm not using my count-as Contemptors (:): Hellbrutes).

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