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FAQ/Errata suggestions


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There is a topic, but it doesn't have the right focus. This is just the nitty gritty that we've found that needs to be explained or fixed. These questions are not for answering in this thread, and though a couple may seem obvious, they have become a bone of contention in certain play areas.




1. If, when rolling on the Chaos Boon Table (p.29), you roll a 64 for multiple boons and, in due course, keep rolling a 64 via the extra boons, do you keep getting D3+1 boons, or is it like the others where if you roll a boon the character already has it has no effect?


2. Since Warpsmiths always have Mechatendrils (p.94), why does it say "add +1 if the Warpsmith has mechatendrils" on page 34? Can he lose them or trade them for a Chaos Artefact?


3. If my opponent has a Techmarine and chooses to Bolster a piece of terrain and I want my Warpsmith to Shatter Defenses, which happens first?


4. For the Helbrute's Fire Frenzy (p.56), when it says it's Immobilized, does that mean it takes another Hull Point damage, just like getting Immobilized on terrain for other vehicles?


5. How does Abaddon's Mark of Chaos Ascendant (P.57) work with the Marks of Chaos rules (p.30) about joining units? Can he join a Khorne unit as easily as a Nurgle unit, or is he not allowed to join marked units whatsoever?


6. If Khârn has Hatred Incarnate (gives Hatred) and Fearless, why then does he also have Veterans of the Long War (gives Hatred (Space Marines))? In case he is not the Warlord?


7. Since Plague Zombies (p.61) cannot take any options, does this mean they are not allowed to take Marks or weapons, but most importantly cannot increase their unit size?


8. Do Plague Zombies units consist of only Chaos Cultists? (ie, there is no Cultist Champion in the unit) (Zombie Champion?)


9. Do the extra attacks from a Combat Familiar (p.67) occur at the same Initiative Step as the model's other attacks? What if he can choose between a normal close combat weapon and an Unwieldy weapon; do the extra attacks go at the model's Initiative or at Initiative 1 (from the Unwieldy)? How about charging through terrain, is the Combat Familiar affected?


10. If a model has to take the Mark of Khorne (gives Rage) to take the Axe of Blind Fury (p.69), why does the Axe also give Rage?


11. Can a single model replace more than one weapon to get two different Ranged Weapons (p.91)?


12. Can a single model replace more than one weapon to get two different Chaos Artefacts (p.91)?


13. If yes to 12, can a model with two weapons replace them for two Chaos Artefacts, then take the Dimensional Key on top of that since it doesn't replace any weapons?


14. If the Dark Apostle (p.94) has Zealot (gives Fearless and Hatred), why does he have the option to take Veterans of the Long War (gives Hatred (Space Marines))?


15. Are Chaos Terminators (p.97) really not allowed to take both a combi-weapon and a special close combat weapon (power fist, etc)?


16. Are Noise Marines (p.99) really not allowed to take a close combat weapon and a Sonic Blaster?


17. The Noise Champion (p.99) does not have a close combat weapon. The upgrade kit no longer works because he cannot possibly have a bolt pistol and a Melee weapon. Is this intentional?


18. The Forgefiend's face-ectoplasm cannon sticks out over the front of the base. Assume models are deployed 24" apart. With the extra distance of the ecto-plasm "barrel", would a Forgefiend so armed be able to shoot at enemy models if nobody moved that turn?


19. Are allied Chaos Daemons units able to Deep Strike within 6" of a Codex: Chaos Space Marine Icon of Chaos and not scatter?



Wave 2 questions:


20. What is the fire arc on the Helldrake's weapon?


21. Can a Daemon Prince of Khorne take the Blinding Axe of Fury?


22. Similarly, can a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch take the Scrolls of Magnus?


23. Is the Warpsmith's Master of Mechanisms Curse affected by various things that force it to take a Snap Shot, or does it always hit on a 2+?


24. How does Hatred interact with Khârn's "The Betrayer" special rule? Do all the dice (even 1's) count as hits, thereby not allowing you to reroll them?



If you know of more, let's add them in.

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Do Daemon Princes count as having their patron's mark for the purpose of wargear?


Seahawk, I know how you feel about this question but I would strill like to have an official GW answer. I know it does not mention marks, being able to purchase marks or ever counting as marked but come on, just how much more "marked" can a daemon of (insert god here) be?

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How is the Dimensional Key supposed to function? Outside of going 2nd and giving it to a winged DP, it is nigh impossible to use in conjunction with the 6th ed reserve rules.
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Great sum up! Double Rage all the way for the Axe... Hope get something nice out of that somehow.


20. What exactly is the fire point of the Helldrake? His head or his bum-holes? ;)



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Serious Q&A here folks, not the sillies or tactical discussions; purely rules questions are desired so that GW can maybe see and answer. ;)


I already sent this up the river to get some answers, including some others that were bothering me.

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21. Does a named special character keep his wargear and rules if he is changed into a Deamon Prince due to the Dark Apptheosis?


22. If Abbadon is changed into a Deamon Prince due to the Dark Apotheosis, does he keeps his Mark of Ascendant Chaos has it is?


23. Can Khârn the Betrayer rethrow 1's on To Hit dices with his Hatred?



On a side note i think that there will be a new unit or rule or somthing in a upcoming Dwarf that will interact with the VotLW rule, thats why even though their is models that allready have a Hatred for everything, they still can purchase it or have it.


Might be really wrong, but who knows?...

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Serious Q&A here folks, not the sillies or tactical discussions; purely rules questions are desired so that GW can maybe see and answer. :lol:


I already sent this up the river to get some answers, including some others that were bothering me.


The Daemon issue is very important though. I feel it is RAI that they count as marked concerning daemon weapons like that khorne axe and I belive very many people do. Very surprise that you omitted that one, and if it is true as Jacinda says, that you have some personal issue with that, which leads you to refuse to add that to the list, then I find that highly peculiar to say the least.

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It's not that I have a personal issue with it, it's just really cut and dry that the system for DP's is cleanly different. Compare it to the other "really?" questions, and those could have been a missed word or phrase; this isn't the case for the DP.


I don't believe the drake needs attention, because the gun is obviously in the mouth. Otherwise we'd need every single vehicle everywhere to be clarified in a similar manner. On the other hand, we do need the fire arc for it, seeing as the neck is so flexible and it's not a typical "gun mount".


@ Tzimisce169: No, most of these are entirely different and currently go unanswered. I included the one about Abaddon though because some good points were raised that I didn't consider before.


@ Slayer le Bouche: Those are all answered by the rules themselves, so I don't feel they need addressing.

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I fail to see the issue with the bolster defenses argument. Order is irrelavent because the outcome is the same. If you bolster a 4+ to a 3+ and then break it down to a 4+ it's a 4+. If you break it down to a 5+ and then bolster it is a 4+. Moot point.
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It depends because it's a tactical decision. You might want to nerf something your opponent values (ie bolstered). Can't know what it is until he's done it though, so who goes first? Nothing is simultaneous.
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It's not that I have a personal issue with it, it's just really cut and dry that the system for DP's is cleanly different. Compare it to the other "really?" questions, and those could have been a missed word or phrase; this isn't the case for the DP.


I don't believe the drake needs attention, because the gun is obviously in the mouth. Otherwise we'd need every single vehicle everywhere to be clarified in a similar manner. On the other hand, we do need the fire arc for it, seeing as the neck is so flexible and it's not a typical "gun mount".


@ Tzimisce169: No, most of these are entirely different and currently go unanswered. I included the one about Abaddon though because some good points were raised that I didn't consider before.


@ Slayer le Bouche: Those are all answered by the rules themselves, so I don't feel they need addressing.


But seriously, don`t you see the issue with the Khorne axe? It has rage. Clearly it was the intent that a Khornate Prince could take this. I don`t understand how you can manage to claim that it is "clear cut", when this is clearly not the case as I just illustrated with the Khornate axe.

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The Axe can only be taken by models with the Mark of Khorne right? So wouldn't that exclude the DPs since they can't take Marks, only be upgraded to "Daemon of _____"? So it actually kin of reiterates the question of why it has Rage when only models that already have Rage can take it.



EDIT: On page 91, the Axe of Blind Fury has footnote 5. Footnote 5 says "Models with Mark of Khorne only."

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The Axe can only be taken by models with the Mark of Khorne right? So wouldn't that exclude the DPs since they can't take Marks, only be upgraded to "Daemon of _____"? So it actually kin of reiterates the question of why it has Rage when only models that already have Rage can take it.



EDIT: On page 91, the Axe of Blind Fury has footnote 5. Footnote 5 says "Models with Mark of Khorne only."


But thats the point!


It is a very fair assumption that "Daemon of" equals to mark of, when it comes to daemon weapons. Likely the Khorne Prince is supposed to be able to get the Axe of Blind Fury! I don`t understand why and how people can say that it is in any way "obvious" that this is not the case, when I for one think that the Axe having Rage is a bloody good statement of intent! :)

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Does the helldrake's neck allow it to fire at targets in any direction, or is it restricted to a forward firing arc?

Just like any other hull mounted weapon, it is limited to 45 degrees left and right.

That's what we assume at any rate. There seems to be alot of that with this edition. With everyone looking at the half-glass and some seeing half-full and others seeing haf-empty when it comes to reading the rules.

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Serious Q&A here folks, not the sillies or tactical discussions; purely rules questions are desired so that GW can maybe see and answer. :D


I already sent this up the river to get some answers, including some others that were bothering me.


The Daemon issue is very important though. I feel it is RAI that they count as marked concerning daemon weapons like that khorne axe and I belive very many people do. Very surprise that you omitted that one, and if it is true as Jacinda says, that you have some personal issue with that, which leads you to refuse to add that to the list, then I find that highly peculiar to say the least.

Feel free to send in your own question to either the customer service or FAQ email address given on the GW web site. I know I did. We are not limited to just one person asking and besides, it will not become a frequently asked question if only one person ever asks.

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24. Is the curse ability of the Warpsmith a shot or not?


At my LGS we had already major discussions about cursing zooming flyers on 2+ or 6+.

One group says you can curse them on 2+ (including me). Because the Hard to Hit rule only affects shots and it's nowhere stated that the curse ability is a shot. The other group says that you need 6+ because To Hit Roll = Shot.


Hope there'll be something in the FAQ to clarify this issue.

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The first ones explained in the codex, if you roll a result you already have it has no effect. Pg 28 of the dex under Champion of Chaos.


Second one may have to do with the fact that in the future we might see models that can remove certain bits of wargear. Or more likely just an oversight, nothing that needs FAQing.


Third both happen same time, pull a jervis, roll to see who goes first. But why waste a shatter returning a ruin back to normal.


Four, would require clarification but to be honest I don't think it does because it's not a glancing or penetrating hit.


Five, he is has all four marks thats what the mark of chaos ascendent does, he can join any unit.




Seven, it says no options.


Eight, It says unit, a unit is the collection of models purchased in the entry, the champion stays but the unit gains, fearless SaP and FnP.


Nine, He makes additional attacks, it's the model making the attacks with a weapon thats always s4 ap-. It's done at his WS and intitive


Ten, more fluff.

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Ten, more fluff.

It's one of the most redundant pieces of fluff I have ever seen. Besides Warp Talons. They're cool looking, and the fluff is okay, but there's not that much of a difference between them and Raptors fluff-wise. Now, if Iron Sage is right and "daemon of" is the same as "mark of", then there would be an explanation as "DoK" does not grant Rage like MoK does.

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@ Slayer le Bouche: Those are all answered by the rules themselves, so I don't feel they need addressing.


Sorry Seahawk but I feel this does need addressing. It can be argued either way that Khârn's "misses" (rolls of one) actually do "hit" because they "hit" his comrades. Going by that logic then it his hatred would only effect the unit he is with. This needs clarifiying as well.

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@King Willy: If you'd read you would have seen that this thread is not for answering by us, as they're either polarizing, confusing, or just plain mind-numbing. These are to be sent to the big wigs who don't care about us so that they get answered maybe. :cry:


Tanith, I didn't even consider 1's being hits. Doi! I'll add it in then.

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