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FAQ/Errata suggestions


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It's just I read these and they annoy me so much I have to answer, call it trolling call it ranting, it don't matter.

Most of the questions I see are just people snatching for loopholes.


The only ones I consider valid are numbers 21 22 and 24

Because it makes no sense why a Daemon Prince could not take an artefact of his chosen god yet can still take the black mace, dimensional key, murder sword or the brand. But thats more the fluff lover in me.


Thanks to this damn beautiful community, I've become a rules lawyer :cry:

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I've got another one: when Warp Talons land near vehicle, does it automatically pass or fail Blind test (because of no initiative value)? What about passengers embarked upon a vehicle?
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I've got another one: when Warp Talons land near vehicle, does it automatically pass or fail Blind test (because of no initiative value)? What about passengers embarked upon a vehicle?

If I don't remember wrong, vehicles auto-pass tests against stats they don't have. And in any case the passengers are not affected if it doesn't say specifically that they are...

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I've got another one: when Warp Talons land near vehicle, does it automatically pass or fail Blind test (because of no initiative value)? What about passengers embarked upon a vehicle?

If I don't remember wrong, vehicles auto-pass tests against stats they don't have. And in any case the passengers are not affected if it doesn't say specifically that they are...

Ok thanks. :)

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