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The Black Mace


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I use the Black Mace on my jump-pack Lord, and he is remarkably effective as a blob-killer. You certainly don't want to be throwing him and his Raptor buddies up against a hard unit like hammernators, but that's where the mobility of the jump pack comes in. I don't deny that it would be BETTER on a DP, but it is far from a bad choice for a lord - just as long as you are picking your fights with care.
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You know what? I'm convinced. I was considering taking a PF/LC combo after a brief flirtation with the murder sword (to use as an HQ-unit repellant type tactic as much as a HQ hunter) but deciding I'd have to list-build around a single weapon = not so great... I think Mace might complement my list a bit better. Since I run a level 3 Nurgle Sorcerer, with Biomancy, that's a decent chance (50%?) to hit either Enfeeble or Gift of Contagion (though I'd have to roll a 5 or 6 to get the -1T modifier for the latter). Since effects of -1T are cumulative, and last until the end of the following turn it might even be worth it to run 2 Sorcerers instead of 1... Imagine a unit with a -2T modifier on it taking toughness tests against Black Mace.


Yeah, I'm sold.

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Sounds good. Would your Nurgle Sorcerer be on a bike? I feel, while expensive, the speed and added toughness would get around any challenges that might come from any Power Axes and get your sorcerer in the right location.


Let us know how it goes when you run him.

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Yeah I'm thinking so. Bike+Sigil. Actually I'm thinking to combo him with Typhus in an 1850 list. Expensive HQs, I know, but Typhus can tie up any major challenges (along with being able to try for Gift of Contagion twice) while the Sorcerer (hopefully) debuffs a second time, then charges the following turn, taking the unit out from under the opponent's HQ or sergeant. If need be he can turboboost to join a separate unit. Have a wicked idea for a conversion as well. ;) Thinking horrorshow. Thinking a couple squads of PMs, 2 forgefiends, a squad of AC havocs in a gunline (quadgun), either 3 spawn (for theme) or 3 melta bikers (for anti-mech), and about 80 zombies (30-30-20).


Thanks for the inspiration! (oddly enough)

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I think that the weapon really complements our codex. Many options we have revolve around killing power armour and tough enemies rather than blobs, so something that can chew up tarpits is a really great addition to lists such as mine, which is fairly heavily skewed towards fast, elite units. It's not something you can rely on, but having a bit of tarpit insurance in a tooled-up, MEQ-killer deathstar unit is worth the steep points cost.


Besides, it doesn't matter how big and bad an enemy HQ is, all it takes is ONE unsaved wound to potentially splat them, EW or no...

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Besides, it doesn't matter how big and bad an enemy HQ is, all it takes is ONE unsaved wound to potentially splat them, EW or no...


What if that enemy has 5 toughness or great? Is a 1/6 chance really worth it to put your warlord at risk? What if he's charged by something with that much toughness and is challenged?

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