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Are Plague Marines T6?


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1) The Mark of Nurgle gives models in the unit +1 to its listed toughness.

2) Plague Marines have a listed toughness of 5.

3) Plague Marines have the Mark of Nurgle.


Therefore, Plague Marines are toughness 6, right?


For comparison, normal Chaos Space Marines are listed as toughness 4. If you give them the Mark of Nurgle, they become toughness 5. Shouldn't a Plague Marine with 1 better listed toughness and the same mark have +1 actual toughness?


Also for comparison, Thousand Sons are listed as having Aura of Dark Glory, with gives a 5++ save. The Mark of Tzeentch increases their inv save by 1. Therefore, everyone agrees, Thousand Sons have a 4++ save. The codex could have easily given them Sigils of Corruption for the 4++, but instead it gave them a base 5++ save and allowed the mark to modify that. Isn't that basically the same as giving a model toughness 5 and letting the mark modify that to 6?


By the way, the exact same situation comes up with Noise Marines and initiative 6.

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Interesting. Since it doesn't exclusively say "included in profile" in the list selection or in the fluff description, then technically they should have T6, yes. I don't think that's intended, as they've traditionally been T5 all the way, but RAW yeah I'd have to say T6. Wow...


[edit] Ok thanks for that HS. p. 30 indeed.

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"When a Mark of Chaos is listed in a unit's special rules, its effects will have already been taken into account in its profile, where applicable."


RAW, Plague Marines are T5, Noise Marines are I5, and Abaddon is not a monster.

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