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Blood Pact Article?


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[i'm unsure if this is even the right subforum for this thread. By all means move it if it isn't the right subforum.]


I'm wanting to follow an old example of making Blood Pact masks for guardsmen by using the daemonic turret-gargoyles that our Chaos tanks can use in the place of the usual gun-barrels.


I recall a Games Workshop article from the GW website awhile back that explained different Imperial Guard doctrines, one of those doctrines was the Blood Pact. Does anyone have a link to a PDF or something showing that article, or at least the image showing the Blood Pact?


I'll be using Shock Troops from the Wargames Factory: http://wargamesfactory.com/webstore/alien-...atcoat-troopers in anyone is curious about what models I'll be using.

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