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Having not seen an actual Fell Beast model, I have to say that the pictures make it look a whole lot smaller than the Heldrake. It's just very skinny, whereas a Heldrake is pretty fat and substantial. My plan is to get a Terrorgheist model to kitback with my Heldrake, and hopefully end up with two organic-mechanical hybrid Heldrakes. At least, that's the plan. :lol:


In terms of effectiveness, I think it could be quite good, but certainly not essential. I don't think there are any "must-haves" in this codex, so make the army that matches your style and will be fun for you to play. :)

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I really want to see how this thing sizes up with a Fell Beast.



Having not seen an actual Fell Beast model, I have to say that the pictures make it look a whole lot smaller than the Heldrake.


Fell Beast?


other things.... look this:


A really Dragon!




And a Helvampire



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I've been thinking about taking the neck off a heldrake and replacing it with a big fanged mouth to make some kind of screwed up vampire bat, nice to see someone actually did it!


Also um. That dragon. Wow. Did you do that? How did you do that

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Also um. That dragon. Wow. Did you do that? How did you do that


Sorry but those aren`t my!


I think that he let the bits free!!! I think that is easy to make but really i don`t now! jejeje It have bits from maulerfiend sprue (lasher tendrils) for the tail!


The Vampire has bits from warp talons and forgefiend sprues too


I will treate to make both!

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I would say at the moment it's as close to 'must have' as you can get. The only reason I wouldn't take it is if I was going for a very specific list and was desperate for points.


I say 'at the moment' because the meta is generally low on Interceptor weapons. So for now, baring Aegis Defence Lines, we generally get to kill a free tactical squad on Turn 2-3, then another squad per turn after that.


And if his offensive power wasn't ridiculous enough he has high survivability with a 5++ and It Will Not Die.


If you have two of these bad boys right now you're pretty much cheating. But I expect their advantage will drop as more AA units are brought into the game.

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The converted/ altered pose with the drake rearing up is something I as planning on doing myself, though with a slight twist.

Mine was to be perched on some terrain (city of Death building wall) torching some Imperial Fists below it.


Might stil give it a go if I feel brave enough. :)


I'm loving the Defiler leg conversion, looks miles better than the stock GW version! ;)



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I used a heldrake vs tyranids yesterday, and I must admit it was fun. The bale flamer is awesome, and so is the swoop attack. Am yet to play with it vs an army with decent anti flyer units though, and am wondering how well it will stand up in a game vs vendetta's or storm ravens...
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The question I am wondering is do you have to take them in pairs, or can you get away with just one, while the rest of your fast attack is filled with bikers/spawn


They're fine on their own for now, but later on we'll probably need them in pairs, just like everything else.

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I only plan on using one. Mainly because Chaos Space Marines are my allies. But, with Fateweaver and another Daemon Prince with Wings I should have a good amount of flying things for the enemy to target. Best part is FMC vector strike and have breath of chaos. So a lot of fire every where!
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torching some Imperial Fists below it.



Why I oughta! *shakes his imperial fist*


It is both delightful to see our vision realized here, and a shame you didn't get there first. Regardless, massive kudos to the architect of that monstrosity. It very closely macthes that lovely piece of artwork in the new dex you pointed out to me Mike.

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Why I oughta! *shakes his imperial fist*


You know, you really shouldn't go around shaking things in public, it doesn't go down well. :o :o


I really like the idea of using a pair of Drakes, but i'm not sure I can justify the price ( money, not pts) and they would be an absolute nightmare to transport!


I wonder how long it will be before we see some converted loyalist flyers to represent Drakes?



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