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He sure is, and an awesome job he's doing too. If I wasn't such a sucker for boots on the ground then I would already be knocking together one of those bad boys. Still may very well do just that. I'm going to have to have something to compete with the flying metal dragons of doom.


Could just call my chapter champion George and job done. Ha!

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Taking just about any flyer if your army has access to one is a must have. Flyers in general are just too good. Sixes to hit them? Then get Jinx saves? They move incredibly fast on the table? Pretty much ignore the vehicle firing weapons rules, start in reserve, and even if they zoom off the table, who cares? They automatically come back onto the table next round!


The sheer lack of anti-aircraft ability in the game right now is a huge weakness in any army. In my Meta, the people that are taking two flyers are just cleaning up. Even against an Aegis line, you might lose a HP, or at worst one flyer. The Aegis Line Autocannon is the #1 thing to kill in any opposing army if you have a flyer.


The only really effective AA in the game is another Flyer. Here is where things get tricky though. If your flyer is already out on the table and your opponent's flyer just comes on... you're probably gonna lose your own fighter. There really isn't a "dog fight" in this game. It would have been awesome if GW had included dog fighting rules- like a challenge, or some completely new phase of the game, but... they didn't.


Take a flyer, and if you're worried, take an Aegis Defense Line with Quad Autocannon.


As for the Heldrake? Awesome model, good rules. Maybe a bit overpriced, but still very, very useful.

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