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Lucius question


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So I was thinking of running Lucius with a unit of Slaneesh iconed/marked Chosen. My question involves Lucius and how his special armor will interact with the Feel No Pain granted by the icon.


If I am reading it right along with the rule for FnP, wounds that are negated by FnP are discounted and treated as saved. Do these FnP negated wounds that are treated as saved then kick in the Armor of Shrieking Souls str 4 AP 2 hits?


If so, suddenly Lucius got very interesting for me beyond his just my want to use him for his fluff.

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Lucius' entry (pg 62) says 'For each Armour save or Invul save Lucius passes' so if he fails those then it doesn't kick in even if he passes his FNP, which IIRC, is no longer classed as a save at all. He's still just an overpriced Doom Siren, tbh.


FnP is not considered a save anymore, but the wording does tell you to treat the wound as if it had been saved. That means you treat it as if you passed the 3+ or 5+ if you make your FnP roll. That is my rationale.

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Plus he isn't an overpriced doom siren he laughs in the face of high WS opponents and goes toe to toe with them, his lash reduces enemy attacks and his armour can hit back at deadly AP now. Not to mention the standard fearless, veteran of the long war etc special rules he has all for only 165pts which his the same if not actually less than a build your own slaaneshi lord.
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This wasn't so much as an attempt to cheese anything, just more of wondering if there was an interaction between the wound treated as being saved and the armor. Either way, the way I will be running him practically ensures plenty of deathly stimulii.
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FnP is not considered a save anymore, but the wording does tell you to treat the wound as if it had been saved.

This is correct.


That means you treat it as if you passed the 3+ or 5+ if you make your FnP roll.

No. The FNP roll saves the wound, not the Armour or Invul save which are the saves that trigger the Ap 2 return strike. That is my rationale.

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FnP is not considered a save anymore, but the wording does tell you to treat the wound as if it had been saved.

This is correct.


That means you treat it as if you passed the 3+ or 5+ if you make your FnP roll.

No. The FNP roll saves the wound, not the Armour or Invul save which are the saves that trigger the Ap 2 return strike. That is my rationale.


The problem with your assertion is that the rule goes out of the way to tell you that FnP is not a save. The FnP roll discounts the wound and tells you to treat it as saved.

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The problem with your assertion is that the rule goes out of the way to tell you that FnP is not a save. The FnP roll discounts the wound and tells you to treat it as saved.


Yes, the wound is saved, and as such is ignored. However, it was not saved by his armour or invulnerable save. I kinda see where you're coming from, but the FnP rules don't state "passing a FnP roll counts as passing your armour/invulnerable save", only that the wound is "saved". Lucius doesn't care whether a wound is merely "saved", only if it's saved in two specific ways, which FnP does not do. Therefore, the wound is saved, but Lucius didn't pass an armour or invulnerable save, and therefore he doesn't cause the hits from his armour.

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