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With the new dex out I am finding myself seriously considering a Skulltakers Warband led by Zhufor as my next army project, but am needing some thoughts and suggestions that will keep it both fluffy and competitive.


I was thinking of running Zhufor with 4 Termies in a Land Raider (No idea what do equip the termies with yet, so I'm looking for thoughts here). Also thinking about adding three, eight man, squads of Zerks for troops (but not sure what transports to run them in as LR's get expensive, especially 4 of them, so open for suggestions here). And looking for thoughts on what else to bring along with them. Target points are 2000 and I wouldn'tbe adverse to daemon allies if you think they'd be a good addition. Also as I am already using Zhufor, other FW units that are not "Apoc only" are fine suggestions as well.


So I am looking for the communities thoughts and suggestions (pros and cons) here. Thanks in advance!




Edit: Just to put out there what my initial thoughts were before I came here looking for suugestions. Zhufor and Term Bodyguard in Land Raider with Dirge Caster, Destroyer Blades, Havoc Launcher and Warpflame Gargoyles. 3 squads of 8 Zerks in Land Raiders (same config as above). Basically ramming them down the throat of the enemy, running them over then piling out into an assault and collecting heads. But as awesome as that sounds I'm not quite sure how well that would work lol....

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