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Hey Warmammer,

Remember to use the link to the image provided on your gallery page and not the link of the actual gallery page

Like so:


You are right, it is a rather bad photo. B)

Can you try and get another one, preferable without flash, decent lighting (move a lamp closer) and a background that does not interfere with your camera's focus function?

Also, if you have a macro function, consider using that as well.

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thanks Warhammer


Did you typo your own name? :lol:


As recommended by Nihm, putting the model in a place with an uncluttered background (try a piece of white paper or card on your desk) will increase the chances of the camera focussing well. Lighting the model with a lamp and turning off the flash will improve contrast and let us see the paintwork. Also, get as close as you can to the model whilst your camera will focus (or you can always trim excess out of pics in paint if needs be). The macro setting on a camera will enable you to get pretty close, but will rely on suitable light on the subject.

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Looking better. Black armor's hard to get to look nice, and taking photos of minis is also tricky. You'll get better at both the more you practice.


That gold shoulder pad is looking really nice from what I can see. Very rich color. I'm looking forward to seeing more! Did you notice there's a Call of Chaos starting up again?

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