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The hidden nerf

Brother Nihm

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As for balance - I don't know. Necrons and Grey knights are a cut above the rest, but Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, and Blood Angels are all up there, too, as were Dark Eldar for a brief moment before 6e's release. Not all of those are Ward books, so I don't think ward can be blamed for this alone. Honestly, at this point half the books in the game are sitting at that higher power level, at which point the other stuff might as well balance up to it. External balance is purely a matter of comparison, anyway, so if everyone went up to the higher level that would be just as good as nerfing the strong guys down. There's no denying that players like going from a weak book to a strong book more than the reverse, and at the moment the weaker books are mostly the older ones, and they're the most in need of new books, anyway.


Besides, having a weaker book is no protection from spamming. If anything, weaker books encourage players to spam the best options even harder, because they're already starting with a handicap and don't have any buffer to play around with. The Gav book was very spammy, and there's legitimate fear that our new book will be spammy too, what with how much more points efficient bikes are than everything else in the list, and how they're the only think we can really do better than anyone else at all (space wolves, blood angels, and grey knights poo all over our marine infantry mid range shooting / close combat gimmick).


Of course, if cheaper bikes are just 'a thing' and not only 'a chaos thing', then the upcoming Dark Angels will completely overshadow us on that front, too, what with having scoring, atsknf bikes with land speeders and attack bikes providing support, better fliers, and teleport homers to bring in storm shield terminator support. And their bike riding characters will likely be able to support 2+/3++ saves. If they've got an at-init AP2 weapon then they'll basically be better duelists than our bike HQs as well.


Or maybe my fears are misplaced. Maybe the Dark Angels book will be 'reigned in' like ours was. Maybe. Who's writing it again?




Oh. Oh, yeah.

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Actual Barrage Weapons have a rule that means that the centre of the blast marker is used for attack origin instead of the location of the weapon being fired. It doesn't work with regular Blast weapons.


Basically, Barrage Sniping is putting the hole of the blast marker over the head of the person you want to die, because he's automatically then the "closest target" and has to take all the saves first until he dies and the next person in the unit can start rolling them.

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Khestra; I just had this image of GW putting the final touches to the last brand new 7th edition codex when a warpstorm appears over head and whisks the various books to the far corners of the globe.


I would search for those books. I would search for them like Lorgar searched for gods. :D

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I don't expect ubergrit or assault rhinos. I do expect troop bikers plus attack bikes at the new chaos point value with free teleport homers to bring in troop terminators with storm shields.

Or some special ability like Vulkan's, but involving plasma weapons.

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Heh, yeah. IMO it`s borderline retarded. Rules for barrage weapons (least accurate weapon immaginable) makes absolutely no sense!

I hear that. You are getting hit by artillery, I get that, it's destructive, whatever- but allocating all the hits on the same guy until he is dead is just nuts. That is just asking for abuse.

Why? The dude jumped on the shell to protect his comrades.
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Heh, yeah. IMO it`s borderline retarded. Rules for barrage weapons (least accurate weapon immaginable) makes absolutely no sense!

I hear that. You are getting hit by artillery, I get that, it's destructive, whatever- but allocating all the hits on the same guy until he is dead is just nuts. That is just asking for abuse.

Why? The dude jumped on the shell to protect his comrades.

I think your marines are more altruistic than my Death Guard. ;)

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Heh, yeah. IMO it`s borderline retarded. Rules for barrage weapons (least accurate weapon immaginable) makes absolutely no sense!

I hear that. You are getting hit by artillery, I get that, it's destructive, whatever- but allocating all the hits on the same guy until he is dead is just nuts. That is just asking for abuse.

Why? The dude jumped on the shell to protect his comrades.


Just yesterday against an Ork army with my C:SM Iron Hands, he put Lobba shots on my Librarian amidst a Tactical Combat Squad. Would a Librarian sacrifice himself to save a couple of schmoes? Because apparently he did when I failed two out of three 3+ saves. Still makes no sense.

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Heh, yeah. IMO it`s borderline retarded. Rules for barrage weapons (least accurate weapon immaginable) makes absolutely no sense!

I hear that. You are getting hit by artillery, I get that, it's destructive, whatever- but allocating all the hits on the same guy until he is dead is just nuts. That is just asking for abuse.

Why? The dude jumped on the shell to protect his comrades.


Just yesterday against an Ork army with my C:SM Iron Hands, he put Lobba shots on my Librarian amidst a Tactical Combat Squad. Would a Librarian sacrifice himself to save a couple of schmoes? Because apparently he did when I failed two out of three 3+ saves. Still makes no sense.


What a hero! ;D


He should be immortalized in the chaptes Hall of Honour ;)

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I have a dream. . .a dream where GW puts a freeze on Codex production for the entirety of 6th Edition while they start prepping for 7th Edition immediately, spending no less than two years hashing out rules, fluff, wargear, USRs, psychic powers, battlefield effects, etc, and outlining how they'll all fit into each faction's Codex. Codices that date back to 4th and 5th Editions can be updated via pdfs to tide them over, except for the Black Templars who don't deserve a Codex anyway and should be cast into the abyss with Squats and Genestealer Cults. :P Once the 7th Edition rules are crystallized and they have a plan, the next three or four years are spent rewriting and playtesting every faction's Codex against all other Codices for 7th Edition until there are no errors, no miscontruals, no flaws, and no Codex Creep. Then, when everything is in readiness in probably five or six years' time from now, they release 7th Edition concurrently with all the Codices and can spend that entire edition doing nothing but making models, alternative missions production, maybe running a grand tournament or two, and essentially just sitting back and making money. No more bickering, no more in-studio faction favoritism, no more scaring off new players by giving them nothing but outdated Codices to work with, no more confusion about rules, no more having to beg for an FAQ to fix something that should have been handled before anything even went to print, quality control would be at the highest level it's been since (arguably) 3rd Edition (and I confess that's a stretch in and of itself), the game would be stable, continuity would be established in rules and fluff, and all the surprises would happen because of dice on the field, not because one Codex has a "push here to win" button embedded in a special character. There have been too many mistakes made within the past two Editions for there to be any excuses left to justify why they were made for any other reason than that they simply do not care anymore.


I'm not on meds, so I don't think I've been taking crazy pills, but this seems to make all kinds of sense to me given the current situation.

Hmmm, new edition is released. All armies get new rules at roughly the same time and balanced against one another with the specific goal of fixing issues that occurred in the previous edition. Sounds an awful lot like how Warmahordes did MK2, and they just release expansions that give EVERY army new units

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Actual Barrage Weapons have a rule that means that the centre of the blast marker is used for attack origin instead of the location of the weapon being fired. It doesn't work with regular Blast weapons.


Basically, Barrage Sniping is putting the hole of the blast marker over the head of the person you want to die, because he's automatically then the "closest target" and has to take all the saves first until he dies and the next person in the unit can start rolling them.

Aha, I see. Sheesh.

Thankfully (?!) the local meta is to spam battle cannons and vanquisher cannons...

What are the barrage options in the new Chaos codex. Mm. Gotcha.

Thanks for the answer :)

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