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Why no anti-Psker?


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So with Khornes all inclusive hatred for Mind Bullet throwing anything, why did Mok, or any truly Khorne centric army not get any super anti-psker stuff. I mean is it to much to ask for a better deny the witch roll, or a rule that makes the power have to re-roll or something!!!


I could swear that in the past lore of Khorne he gave a gift of an iron collar that protected his chosen from Pskers, bring that back as a war gear option.

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There are too many questions about Chaos Marines GW need to answer.


The one you have said is another one. At least Khârn has some anti-psychic ability. But yes, is very frustrating that after thousand of years fighting and with the power of the Chaos Gods, no-one in the traitor legions don't know how to make a damn psychic hood or rune of whatever to protect them. òó

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Yeah, it's a little disappointing. There were rumours before the codex came out that there would be a piece of wargear that would give a Khorne Champion the Adamantium Will rule, but sadly that didn't happen.
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