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Painting and Color Scheme of Honourguard


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Hello everyone!


I was wondering how do you paint Honour Guard? I mean codex showed honourguard wearinjg artificier armour same as Sanguinary Guard and painted all Gold but I rather reserve all gold armour to sanguinary guard and Dante. According fluff Honour Guard is raised from most able non-veteran in time of need to complete specific task and their service in Honour Guard may also help their promotion to Veteran Squads. Since they're not Veteran's I feel bad using golden helmets, which are veteran's signs with terminator honours and TDA.


How to make themstand out then? I was considering Red Trim on shoulder pads and power armour hand guards and knee pads would be golden (for those who have knee pads) but I am still unsure and I ask here how do you paint your honour guard or make them stand out from veteran's and sanguinary guard?

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The Codex does mention on page 52 that Honour Guard are often taken from the First Company, so marking them as Veterans would be justified. However, I can see why someone wouldn't want to do that and would want to go for something different.


I would consider painting them to match their Captain if he has a more unique paint scheme, otherwise, I would paint the entire squad as if they were Sergeants from the appropriate squad (so they would have black shoulderpads with red trim and yellow Chapter symbol, with red helmets if they are equipped similar to a Tactical Squad, yellow helms if they are equipped similar to an Assault Squad, and gold helmets if they are from the First Company). Of course, if your normal Sergeants are painted differently than standard Blood Angels ones, than adjust as needed, but the general theme would be that they are akin to a squad of Sergeants.



I use Angels Encarmine, so I plan on painting my Honour Guard white with gold helmets to establish color scheme unity with the other specialists from that Chapter, the Sanguinary Guard and the Death Company (both of which wear white in the AE).

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A golden helmet doesn't actually denote someone as a veteran. What's important is the right shoulder pad, so you could focus on that instead of the whole helmet - armour issue.


Since Codex:Angels of Death, our veterans have been displayed with yellow helmets, because they were formed in Veteran Assault Squads.


Honour Guards, however, wore golden helmets, the earliest source I can remember being the C:BA of third edition. Veterans were still painted with yellow helmets in that codex. Another distinction between these two was the skull painted on their right shoulder pad: All members of the first company in power armour displayed white skulls on their pads, Honour Guards displayed black ones. Make of that what you want, I think it's definitely an interesting approach. :)




The 'vanilla BA' approach would probably be golden helmets, red armour. Since they have veteran profiles, it suits them well to have that represented in the way their armour is adorned, probably a lot of blood drops, some gold, even robes/tabbards do fit them.


When I painted a Honour Guard unit back then, I gave them golden helmets, golden trims and the heraldy of my now-ex Captain on their knees as well. You could paint that heraldy on the right shoulder pad as well, or do something entirely else, as mentioned above.


To be honest, there's too many ways to make our HG stand out from other units. ^_^





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Hello everyone!


I was wondering how do you paint Honour Guard? I mean codex showed honourguard wearinjg artificier armour same as Sanguinary Guard and painted all Gold


That is Dante's Personal Honour Guard


Honour Guard are just painted the same as Veterans. Red armour. Black should pad with red rim and Skull emblem. Gold helmet.

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As it happens I'm painting an Honour Guard for my 2nd Co Captain as we speak.

I'm doing mine in red armour with gold helms. Reason being that prior to the current codex, gold helms was always used for the Honour Guard. Veterans just had red helms or yellow for veteran assault. If they did have gold helm, so should the terminators.

Also, not wishing to start any arguments... But nipple armour doesn't have to be exclusively Artificer. On page 66 of the current codex there is a pic of a BA Captain who cant have Artificer armour in nipple armour. I plan using Sang Guard chest pieces on my vets, but not Honour Guard.



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I took a different approach! I painted mine full gold except the shoulder pads which I left in a stark red color!

There are a honour guard meant to be going alongside Tycho (before the Black Rage consumed him) so that is mainly the reason! But I really think that any kind of HQ related model should be in golden or specific color sheme such as the Librarians blue color!

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I think I might go Gold Helmets with Red Stripe or Red Helmet with Gold Stripe. thanks all. I just finished assembling my Honour Guard, Magnetizing Tsandard Bearer and Sargeant. I got captain in process but he is bit odd case as I kitbashed him using Dark Angels Veteran robed body, sanguinary guard chest piece and excessive DC and Space Marine Commander bits... Fully Magneted. Anyway once I get my Sternguards finished I will start making my Honour guard. You guys have been very helpful!
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Gold helmets, gold trims and white skull on right shoulderpad for the Champion.

White helmet white trims and white skull on right shoulderpad for the Novitiate.

Gold helmets, red trims and white skull on right shoulderpad for the veterans.


That's what I'm doing.

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I think I might go Gold Helmets with Red Stripe or Red Helmet with Gold Stripe. thanks all. I just finished assembling my Honour Guard, Magnetizing Tsandard Bearer and Sargeant. I got captain in process but he is bit odd case as I kitbashed him using Dark Angels Veteran robed body, sanguinary guard chest piece and excessive DC and Space Marine Commander bits... Fully Magneted. Anyway once I get my Sternguards finished I will start making my Honour guard. You guys have been very helpful!


We demand pictures! <_<




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