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Chaos Lord


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Two sorcerers of Slaanesh, one with Steed, Sigil, Boon and Burning Brand, accompanying a unit of Slaaneshi bikers (Steed riders) with Icon of Excess, level 3 with spells from Slaanesh and Telepathy disciplines, the other accompanying a Slaanesh Chosen unit, armed with a Force Staff, sigil, Boon and scrolls of Magnus. I'm working on two Warpsmiths (Fleshsmiths) and two Dark Apostles I can swap out with them as and when. Amazingly happy with the pair of them, thus far; the first sorcerer's Outflank ability allows him to heavily destabilise enemy battle lines and forces them to respond on the fly, especially in conjunction with supporting units like Raptors or allied Slaanesh Daemons.
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Man, I don't even know. I'm trying to figure out how to equip my dark vengeance lord right now, but it's hard. The power sword is lacking in AP, but the murder sword is much more expensive, and only gets the AP boost against one enemy model. The plasma pistol's a waste of points, but the one the model comes sculpted with looks so fantastic that I'm having a hard time working up the nerve to swap it out. Sigil's a must, and vets & gift seem fluffy and at least reasonably worthwhile... but give him all of that and you end up costing over 150 points for a 3 wound hero with only a 3+ save, one who most of the time is only striking with AP3, so.... Ergh.


At higher points, and with custom models, it's a bit easier. Tzeentch fisti-claw terminator lords and Khornate bike lords with the blinding axe both have a much more complete suite of features for combat characters, though they do pay through the nose for it.

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Two sorcerers of Slaanesh, one with Steed, Sigil, Boon and Burning Brand, accompanying a unit of Slaaneshi bikers (Steed riders) with Icon of Excess, level 3 with spells from Slaanesh and Telepathy disciplines, the other accompanying a Slaanesh Chosen unit, armed with a Force Staff, sigil, Boon and scrolls of Magnus. I'm working on two Warpsmiths (Fleshsmiths) and two Dark Apostles I can swap out with them as and when. Amazingly happy with the pair of them, thus far; the first sorcerer's Outflank ability allows him to heavily destabilise enemy battle lines and forces them to respond on the fly, especially in conjunction with supporting units like Raptors or allied Slaanesh Daemons.


The sorceror will need to be MoT to get the scrolls of Magnus.

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Last night I ran:


Sorceror, MoN, lvl2, Sigil. Got Mental Fortitude (awesome) and Weapon Virus (meh, shoulda traded) and the Warlord power that causes fear (meh).


My other HQ was the cookie cutter Khorne Biker Lord (MoK, AoDG, AoBF, GoM(unworthy...of course), Bike) EXCEPT, I forgot to buy melta-bombs and got charged by a space wolf dreadnought on turn 2 and he and his fellow bikers were tied up for 2 more turns due to poor rolling.


On an unrelated note: My unit of 4 MoN Chaos Spawn were the real stars of that battle. Yarrr!

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for me its now mainly between Huron Blackheart, for the infiltrate, cheapness and still decent cc ability. Or a Lord on bike/mount with axe or mace.. cant decide!

I play night lords, and hurons infiltrate sound very fluffy, where as the other is just badass.

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I'm planning on a jump pack Slaaneshi lord. I go back and forth between murder sword and twin claws though. I think it will really depend on how herohammer the game gets and whether I need to build him as a character assassin.


I keep flirting with an undivided terminator sorcerer, but I'm not set on it yet.

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I'm planning on a jump pack Slaaneshi lord. I go back and forth between murder sword and twin claws though. I think it will really depend on how herohammer the game gets and whether I need to build him as a character assassin.


I keep flirting with an undivided terminator sorcerer, but I'm not set on it yet.


Undivided Sorcerer is GOOOOOOOOD. Like really really good.

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I'm planning on a jump pack Slaaneshi lord. I go back and forth between murder sword and twin claws though. I think it will really depend on how herohammer the game gets and whether I need to build him as a character assassin.


I keep flirting with an undivided terminator sorcerer, but I'm not set on it yet.


Undivided Sorcerer is GOOOOOOOOD. Like really really good.


*Nods* I have finally decided to paint my unopened box of a termie lord, into an undivided Iron Warrior sorcerer. I already have one Tzeentch sorcerer in termie armour for use either with my Sons or Iron Warriors, but I definatly want an undiveded sorcerer with a a spell familiar and brand. 3 rolls on the telepathy dicipline sounds rather nifty ! B)

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Two sorcerers of Slaanesh, one with Steed, Sigil, Boon and Burning Brand, accompanying a unit of Slaaneshi bikers (Steed riders) with Icon of Excess, level 3 with spells from Slaanesh and Telepathy disciplines, the other accompanying a Slaanesh Chosen unit, armed with a Force Staff, sigil, Boon and scrolls of Magnus. I'm working on two Warpsmiths (Fleshsmiths) and two Dark Apostles I can swap out with them as and when. Amazingly happy with the pair of them, thus far; the first sorcerer's Outflank ability allows him to heavily destabilise enemy battle lines and forces them to respond on the fly, especially in conjunction with supporting units like Raptors or allied Slaanesh Daemons.


The sorceror will need to be MoT to get the scrolls of Magnus.


Ah, yes, nice catch. No problem; substitute scrolls for spell familiar and ichor blood, and we're good to go :lol:

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Lord, Mark of Khorne, Twin Lightning Claws, Sigil of Corruption, Gift of Mutation, Meltabombs. Not the most optimal, but still pretty killy and the conversion's old enough I ain't changing it except to update it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've played 3 games so far (nurgle biased shockingly), and have used a cheapish nurgle lord (mark of nurgle, power sword, sigil).

I've also tried out the 345 point daemon prince (tzeentch as I wanted to try it out, mastery level 3, wings, power armour, black mace, boon and spell familiar). Rolled rubbish spells though and only put life leech to good use, my boon was also the +1 armour so I was immune to normal shots (pretty much). Stomped a priest and then straken, got +1 ws and no improvement...


The basic lord didn't really do much, I am currently building a 203 point lord.


Mark of nurgle, black mace, sigil, boon, melta bombs, Palanquin and twin linked bolter (I wanted to use the reloading bolter power pack from the DV chosen, so I'm sticking with a bolter over the much better choice of pistol, and paying 3 points for the pleasure).


He will have to either foot slog or join a 7man plague marine squad in a landraider (or maybe some other 7 man nurgle marked squad, chosen, havocs or possessed if I feel the urge to try them out).


I also have thoughts of a nurgle terminator lord, with a pair of lightning claws, though terminator armour is damn expensive, 40 points for a 2+ save if you purchase a sigil, otherwise you are stuck with a 5++, ewww :D

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My lord's kinda touchy.



Level 3.

Force Glaive (Axe) and Bolt pistol.


Jump Pack

Sigil of Corruption

Gift of Mutation

Spell Familiar


This give him a 3+ invul, St5 base at AP2 with 1 Tzeentch Power and 2 Bio powers that re-roll failed psychic tests. With a free roll on the Chaos boon table. I'm obviously hoping for a 1-2 on the Tzeentch power and a 1 in the bio powers...but either way, I'm content, I don't intend for him to be amazing all the time, that would just be douchey.


This also brings him in at 195 points. Which some may find expensive..but get the right tricks, and you can quickly turn him into an Eternal Warrior with +d3 toughness.


Also I'm expecting people to tell me that I can only have one piece of special issue wargear or one chaos reward...


It's ONE OF EACH... Just covering my butt^.^


Final thing...Power/Force Axe is unwieldy, which strikes at initiative step 1...Can the Biomancy power that increases A+I by D3 increase your I from 1 to 2-4? Is it final on the I1?

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drops you to i1 , unless you have a special rule that negates it [MC for example] .


huron , then ax lord or a sorc familiar bike . I dont run sigilis. Imo they cost too much . not as good as SS unless I take MoT [which sucks ] , bikes makes me ID immune from str 8 or under anyway and my HQs should be never doing challanges against stuff that is good at it . If they do then I made a mistake and moved to the wrong spot or am feeding the HQ to my opponent , because it is part of a plan .

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Huron & Undivided level 3 Sorcerer rolling on Telepathy.


I know this is slightly off topic but I see a lot of people using biomancy for sorcerers and I honestly do not feel like this is the best psychic discipline for a chaos sorcerer. Biomancy to me seems as though it was more or less designed for Tyranids where all of those wound restoring and close combat buffing powers really shine. 1/3 of the biomancy powers buff close combat which seems like kind of a waste on a sorcerer since they are by no means monsters in assault. Life leech is nice for the damage but the wound restoring feature of it seems kind of lack luster on a 2 wound model. Hemorrhage is cool in theory but gimmicky and unreliable at best. Enfeeble and Endurence are really the only two powers on the chart that are really spectacular. And smite is smite.


I feel like Telepathy is leaps and bounds ahead of biomancy in usefulness for a sorcerer. The entire discipline is perfect for a psyker that you want to be sitting back out of close combat casting powers. Out of the entire list there is really only 2 powers that are mediocre (mental fortitude and terrify) and even then they only really suffer from being situational. Even then the ability to give or take away fearless is nothing to scoff at. Psychic Shriek is devastating to low leadership units and with some luck can also really hurt even LD10 units. Dominate is good for really throwing a wrench in your opponents plans for a unit since they have to make a leadership check to do anything. Puppetmaster is great for taking control of something nasty and having it shoot at its own team. Then we get to the big ones. Invisibility is just dirty. D I R T Y dirty. Cast it on a close combat unit for a 2+ cover save in ruins and a 4+ cover save out in the open. Then they charge and your opponent is now WS1 and cannot counter attack. And lastly Hallucination is nuts. No matter what you roll on the chart the effect is crazy. On a 1-2 you completely screw the unit out of doing anything on its next turn besides fire snap shots unless they are fearless. On a 3-4 you completely screw the unit out of doing anything on its next turn completely regardless of whether they are fearless or not. And on a 5-6 the entire unit attacks itself using its most powerful close combat weapons. Roll a 5-6 against TH/SS terminators and they practically kill themselves.


Anyway...my whole point here is that when you take a sorcerer do not forget about the Telepathy disciplime and automatically jump for Biomancy. Overall I feel like Telepathy has much more to offer for a sorcerer.


With all this being said I think that if you are running a psyker Daemon Prince that you should take Biomancy without question.

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With champions of chaos, I'd figure you'd get stuck in challenges sooner or later regardless of your skill or wishes, and that 4++ might end up being obligatory, overpriced or not.

that is true , but against champions a lord should win before the sgt gets to swing [or he is a sacrificial one] against killer class HQs it is just not worth to out duel them . A TH/SS wolf lord/lysander/anything with force weapon and GK creams an khorn lord anyway and has eternal warrior while bike or not . hoping we end up with just 1 wound and saving it on +4 is not worth the points imo . Better not send the lord in the way of the HQ killer , unless again feeding the HQ saves us from losing a contesting unit and stuff like that.


I know this is slightly off topic but I see a lot of people using biomancy for sorcerers and I honestly do not feel like this is the best psychic discipline for a chaos sorcerer.

I think the explanation for this is bikes . If a bike and bikers are taken , then biomancy is ok . biomancy on a footslogging dude is rather meh .

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