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New warband

Drichar Deis

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I'm going to sell my soul to the prince and throw my lot in with Slaanesh.

My warband shall be named "The Scions Of Pain".

The colour scheme shall be Black armour, gold trim and Pink accents,

The focus for theming shall be BD/SM.

Whatcha think so far.....

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I'm going to sell my soul to the prince and throw my lot in with Slaanesh.

My warband shall be named "The Scions Of Pain".

The colour scheme shall be Black armour, gold trim and Pink accents,

The focus for theming shall be BD/SM.

Whatcha think so far.....

Nice name and a good choice in terms of patron.


That said, you are setting yourself up for challenges with the color scheme. Black is hard to paint, I say this as a Black Legion painter. It's hard to paint on surfaces like shoulder pads, where you have these interesting gradients, it's hard on shin guards, which have similar ones, it's hard on backpacks, where you have stepped gradients that are nearly impossible to capture accurately.


Were I to do it all over again, I would have picked the Green Legion, or maybe the Red Legion. It's just easier to work with those colors.

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