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Purple guys.


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Hello! I haven't done much with the hobby in a little while, (I didn't even know about 6th edition until about a week ago) but I've got the bug again and after my last bout of Blood Angel fever I'm feeling a bit chaotic. Luckily for me I came back just in time for a whole mess of new chaos models. Awesome. Word Bearers have always been my favorite chaos legion but I felt the need to do something other than red so I've got yet-to-be-named purple chaos guys to share with you all.


Just a marine.


Hooded Daemon Prince.



Hellbrute! I know dual power scourges probably isn't that great of a set up but I just kind of bashed this guy together and didn't have anything else to equip him with.




So thanks for looking! Any CC is more than welcome! On my to do list for the warband: Jugger lord and DV minis. Hopefully I can pick some up and get some more pictures posted before too long.

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Hellbrute! I know dual power scourges probably isn't that great of a set up but I just kind of bashed this guy together and didn't have anything else to equip him with.

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Awesome stuff, I love that hellbrute (good lord, it is Strong Mad, isn't it?), and the prince is coming along nicely. I really like the dark purple scheme, purple in general being a favorite of mine. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your stuff! Have you signed up for the Call of Chaos
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Thanks mal, I haven't signed up for Call of Chaos.. I want to but I can't be 100% sure what models I'll be working on until after the 4th of November (birthday coming up). I may just make a best guess and go for it.
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