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Just wondering..... Do icons no longer guide teleporting units and daemons safely onto the battlefield? I am not finding anything on it in the new 'dex and wonder if I am just missing it?


If that's the case ....just wow....


I used to run my TDA lord with four termies, (with one of them having a heavy flamer) as either a deep strike unit or in a Land Raider, but with the new 'dex it's looking like both those options have taken a hit....if I run them as four +the Lord in the LR I have to drop the Heavy Flamer, and If I deep strike them they are now at a much greater risk for mishaps.... I hope I am missing something somewhere...Did I?



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Nope, you are right. We simply got worse in that respect. Icons were great.

I loved using packs of summoned daemons back in 5th, since even though they sorta sucked, they could assault right after deepstriking. Only 2 other units in the game could do that (Sanguinary Guard and Zagstruk, respectively). Took out many a surprised enemy squad that way.

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This was in the gavdex?? Maybe Im missing something but only Zagstruk was the only one that could do that...Unless you mean Vanguard Vets instead of Sanguinary Guard. The Sang Guard cant deepstrike and then charge the same time and I dont remember seeing anything that allowed our Lesser Daemons to do the same.
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This was in the gavdex?? Maybe Im missing something but only Zagstruk was the only one that could do that...Unless you mean Vanguard Vets instead of Sanguinary Guard. The Sang Guard cant deepstrike and then charge the same time and I dont remember seeing anything that allowed our Lesser Daemons to do the same.


Gavdex p61 2nd paragraph under Summoning Daemons....


Once deployed, the Daemons cannot do anything else in that turns Movement phase, but after that they are free to act as normal (They can Assault in the same turn that they enter the game.)




Edit: Bolded emphasis mine

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Once deployed, the Daemons cannot do anything else in that turns Movement phase, but after that they are free to act as normal (They can Assault in the same turn that they enter the game.)




Edit: Bolded emphasis mine


Whoa, never noticed that before, I always thought it was meant just like other deep strikers...good thing to know now that that dex is gone :P


Also, Kvlt Ghost I agree that you should probably get off, but that was funny as hell :D

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Wart Talons are Jump Pack infantry units with the Mark of Nurgle, with champion on chaos gaining a "Toad Prince" upgradeable option. Toad Prince: On a roll of 3+, D3 units within a 12" range have warts, gain the Slow and Purposeful, Feel no Pain, and Fear universal special rules. Units assaulting or attempting to assault a unit must take a leadership test to determine whether or not it's a good idea to come into contact with the unit.
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Wart Talons are Jump Pack infantry units with the Mark of Nurgle, with champion on chaos gaining a "Toad Prince" upgradeable option. Toad Prince: On a roll of 3+, D3 units within a 12" range have warts, gain the Slow and Purposeful, Feel no Pain, and Fear universal special rules. Units assaulting or attempting to assault a unit must take a leadership test to determine whether or not it's a good idea to come into contact with the unit.

Hmmm . . . now I want to make some Wart Tallons. Maybe plague toads + those silly little spawn wings would fit the bill . . .

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