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Executioner's Axe Question (Astorath)

Brother Heinrich

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So not to incite a flame war, but I looked at the other threads detailing the controversy over whether a model with an axe counts as having an axe as opposed to a model with an axe that has special rules instead counts as a generic power weapon hitting at Initiative and Ap3, and I'm wondering if Astorath's executioner's axe falls into this 'special' power weapon category. It states that:


"the executioners axe is a two-handed power weapon that strikes at strength 6. Successful invulnerable saves taken against wounds caused by the Executioner's Axe must be re-rolled."


Under that description I would consider it to fall under the rule on Pg.61 of the BRB


"Unique Power Weapons:

If a weapon has it's own unique close combat rules treat it as an AP3 weapon with the additional rules.."


Let me know what you think, just curious as to the overall community opinion on this and whether my argument is justified. cheers.

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