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MSU Termies for Land Raider


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Anyone see any value in taking a tiny unit of stock terminators in order to field a land raider? I'm thinking of the raider more as a gun platform and less as a transport but you know how quickly heavy slots are filled.
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Multiple small units.


I don't really see the point Minigun. I've never been a big fan of normal landraiders. I think they're too expensive and it has to be pointing directly at whatever its target is in order to use both lascannons. Plus we can get really cheap tri-las preds now.

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I think it would be interested had it not been for the fact that the new rules stipulates FOC changes at 2K points. Rarely will you want 1 land raider and 3 heavy support units under 2K, and I can certainly not see 3 H support units and 2 land raiders with termies under 2K. You won`t have troops or FA then, except maybe minimum cultists. Doesn`t sound like a balanced force, but maybe it could work for some.
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Honestly I'm paying for a land raider for the Assault Vehicle feature.


Fair point. In that case, is 4 terminators + HQ as an assault unit worth it?


Its a fluffy choice but I don't see how we can use the terminator + raider combo nearly as well as loyalist can.

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Honestly I'm paying for a land raider for the Assault Vehicle feature.


Fair point. In that case, is 4 terminators + HQ as an assault unit worth it?


Its a fluffy choice but I don't see how we can use the terminator + raider combo nearly as well as loyalist can.


Undivided termie sorcerer with M lv 3 can do some interesting stuff when he walks out of that land raider with his bodyguards, but maybe not the ideal set up exactly.

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