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=][= Call of Chaos V =][=

Brother Nihm

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icon5.gif Call of Chaos V icon5.gifhttp://scuzworks.com/BnC/chaos-bannersmall.jpg

Traitors to the Imperium of Man, Hear the Call of Chaos!
Those of you having problems painting your forces, those of you who merely wants painted minis on the tabletop but cannot find the motivation, now is the time to act.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get those unpainted minis under the paintbrush.

Mission Statement

To assist players in the building, converting and painting of their army. By using open project threads, each player will be able to inspire other players with what they are doing, and at the same time receive feedback on the progress of their army. Each player is encouraged to provide constructive feedback to her/his fellow participants throughout the Call.

Call of Chaos Requirements

1. Your army must be a supported Chaos faction on the B&C (E.g. Power-Armored and/or under an Existing Sub-Forum). e.g. Codex: Daemons is allowed.
2. The Call will last for 3 months only. Please be aware of this when entering what you will paint. From past experiences, time management is key to success.
3. You are allowed to submit between 2 to 5 items; no more, no less. An item is defined as: a single character/squad/vehicle from your relevant codex.
4. You are expected to submit a minimum of 2 updates in this thread, per month, for the duration of the call. There will be consequences if this is not followed. Making an update here is quite easy, you simply post a reply in this thread with a link to the relevant updates in your WIP thread.

To make it easier on the event organisers, please post your updates in your WIP thread using the following format.
<Month>, Update <number>.
e.g. April, Update 1.

Should you complete your items within the 3 months and still have time to spare before the end, you are able to add additional items (to a maximum of 5 items).
For ideas on how the previous calls went down, please click here and here.

Entering the Call of Chaos
To enter the call, all you need to do is follow the instructions in the main thread: link

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Are we allowed to have allies in the army?

What I mean by this, is I run a World Eater warband with Iron Warrior allies. The World Eaters use the Chaos codex and the Iron Warriors use the Necron codex, but are modeled as kit bashes of Necron Warriors and Chaos Space marines. Would I be allowed to have a unit of my Iron Warriors, World Eaters and my Khârn as 3 items? IF not, I have other options, I was just wondering if this is allowed.

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Are we allowed to have allies in the army?

What I mean by this, is I run a World Eater warband with Iron Warrior allies. The World Eaters use the Chaos codex and the Iron Warriors use the Necron codex, but are modeled as kit bashes of Necron Warriors and Chaos Space marines. Would I be allowed to have a unit of my Iron Warriors, World Eaters and my Khârn as 3 items? IF not, I have other options, I was just wondering if this is allowed.

Question: Are drop pods allowed? Bought 3 of them as I've toyed with the idea of using my black legion with the space wolves codex.

Answer: If they look like a Chaos faction they are allowed in the Call.


Question: What if we use a different codex yet nonetheless use it to represent Chaos models? For example Codex: Space Marines in order to represent the Alpha Legion.

Answer: As above, if they look like a Chaos faction they are allowed in the Call.

I hope that this answers your question.



In other news,

Only six spots left now.

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