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great news


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Hope they fire up them presses quickly and have them trucks ready to ship them out.....in paperback ....cuz I really cannot afford $30 a pop for BL books (even though I love that they are putting out hardbacks)


and Gratz ADB!



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No, IIRC, their blog about that says that the hardback comes out first, three months before the paperback. I'm still counting down for Angel Exterminatus. And as much as I would love that they are doing this so they can just start putting out a new HH book every month, I don't think that is going to happen. But I would love to be wrong. Still, in the famous words of Dr. Frankenstein:


"It's alive!"

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No, IIRC, their blog about that says that the hardback comes out first, three months before the paperback. I'm still counting down for Angel Exterminatus. And as much as I would love th

at they are doing this so they can just start putting out a new HH book every month, I don't think that is going to happen. But I would love to be wrong. Still, in the famous words of Dr. Frankenstein:


"It's alive!"

OMG that's great news!!!

I was thinking I'd have to stop collecting HH books because there is far too much competition for my dosh if they were moving to solely hardback.



I might actually get a three month breather now too (always look on the bright side after all)




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