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Hello everyone.


As I am new to this forum, a short introduction of myself seems polite and in order.


I live in the Netherlands, and am 38 years old/young depending on your perspective.

Used to play 40k as a student, 2nd edition onwards, then more or less stopped with the hobby about 10 years ago due to career and family matters taking up most of my time.


Recently I have dusted off my old 40k stuff and started painting again, mostly triggered by the release of the new Dark Vengeance box, which was also released in Dutch so I could get my young son to play the game without me having to interpret all the game rules for him.


I am interested mostly in the background, collecting and painting. I like to play the occasional game as well, but this takes a secondary place. I am therefore always more interested in 'fluff' (I've never understood that word, calls bunnies to mind) than in competitive play/tournaments.


I have armies of Chaos marines, Imperial Guard and of course space marines (Dark Angels).


Hope to exchange some interesting thoughts and ideas with the rest of you forum-dwelling people.

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