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Modeling The Fallen

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Hi, continuing on my never ending search for a Chaos Warband, I've got the idea from a friend of doing the Fallen, since I could use all the contents of the DV box in one army, and use this army as a C:DA army as well (or even an C:SM army as well).


Considering this, what you guys think would be the best way to model them, to make them look "chaotic" enough, but not too chaotic to the point that they couldn't convince as DA or loyal SM?


I'm considering using, normal marines and DAs, but without chaos symbols or trims, but maybe overuse the riveted armors MKs for added variation compared to normal SMs, and CSM backpacks and mix the most common types of CSM helmets (the ones with ponytails, arrows and the skull) with older MK ones (I'm more inclined to use beakies, with some MK II and Heresy types for added variety.


My concern is: would it be chaotic enough? I'm thinking that maybe I should replace some legs with the ones with the chaos trim, and shoulder pads as well... but wouldn't that be TOO chaotic? I'm not a fan of Fallen being completely mutated and bizarre, Black Legion style - I like the idea of them being tainted (at least for being sucked into the warp) but just some steps away from the righteous path.


About cult troops and such, those I would make more chaotic, since they wouldn't be needed in SM or DA builds. Modeling rotten armor and robes for Plague Marines would be nice! But that's something that bother me as well, cause I'm afraid that the common troops wouldn't blend in nicely, being much more normal when compared the DV chosen, oblits and PMs, for example.


I'm hoping that my box will arrive in time for the Chaos vow! :wub:


What you guys think? Ideas? Suggestions?

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For mine (I only did one) I put a few pointy spots in there and evil looking faces but nothing that makes him "super chaotic" looking. He looks menacing but I think he could still pass for a loyalist. Your ideas are good, mixing the chaotic rivets with the SM parts. Might even throw in some pre-heresy/heresy era armor sets too.





Edit: Here is a link to Danny Cyanide's page. Near the end of the first page he has a few Fallen.


Edit #2: CMON has a ton of good ones on there. Check it.

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Thanks for the props Ghost!


When I did my fallen (There will only be 12 in my army, the 10 CSM, a sorcerer, and Cypher) I wanted them to look more chaotic. If I did them again, there is one more thing I'd do to them in the conversion though. I'd stud their legs. This would make their legs look more like Mk V armor, which would be much more appropriate for fallen than MkVII. I might go back later and see if I can do it to them.

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I've got a bit of Fallen that I painted a while ago that you can check out here:




Basically I used robed marines, and any old mark armour bits that I could find on the Templar Crusade Sprue, along with some heads from Maxmini and forgeworld backpacks, bolters and other weapons. Overall, the effect was really nice and much cheaper than making a true pre-heresy army (i.e. all forgeworld).

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