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Disciples of Mithras


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Okay, here goes nothing. :lol:


This will be my Work In Process thread for the =][= Call of Chaos V =][=


I have a 1000 point army to build and paint for a buddy of mine who's out in the Afghan sandpit at the moment and this'll be the perfect way to give it a kickstart before he comes back.


To that end I need a Lord, Cultist squad, Helbrute/Dreadnought (still prefer the old name, it is what it is...) and a pair of CSM squads.


I'm fed to the back teeth of Chaos being dark; so to meld with their name my lads are going to be as bright as I can make them, suffused with the glory of the true gods! Either an orange or a yellow, I'm not sure yet - three schemes in mind but test figures will be done before painting anything.


Well, so goes the idea......


Wish me luck, I'm going in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, I rather think it's time to get cracking on this thing, so I present my first update for your delectation and delight (or more likely your groaning and shaking of heads...) :)

So, my Dreadnought. I reckon the Helbrutres are the really insane ones, Dreadnoughts just a little... eccentric. Body is from a Venerable dread, as is the Plascan. Leg guards are the Ironclad ones because it gives the whole thing a meaner look. The 'head' is a Chaos shoulderpad where the Ven's helmet head ought to be and the brass studs in the DCCW shoulder is meant to mimic a MK 6 pad:


So. It begins.....

  • 4 weeks later...

Right. Update 2 for November - just!

Life is being a bit of a bear for me at the moment, including the fact that the mate of mine I'm building this for is on his way home after getting shot. :tu:

On the upside, at least he is coming home upright.....

So, as can be imagined nowt much has actually been done bar some iddly work on the Dread:


Torso is fully banded and now undercoated, Plascan arm likewise and the DCCW arm and leg plates are in the process thereof. Also completed work on this guy's base which ought to look fairly good if painted properly:


Yeah. Paint. I still don't know what colour to do these guys!

However, with the aid of some HFL023 pistols from Hasselfree to stand in as autopistols, these guys:


Are going to end up as Cultists, the mutant breeds such as Beastmen more likely to be the most eager to throw off the chains and cast in with Chaos.

The fact that my lads regard them as nought more than useful fools give some indication of their life expectancy...

Bad to read about your friend getting shot, but on the good side he survived like you said. Concerning the models, i think you have given me the right place to go for pistols for my own ragtag cultist army, looking foreward to see how they fit the beastmen.


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