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First time nurgle-fying. ( becomes a blog)


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Hey guys. This is my first time at doing any sculpting and just after a few thoughts on how I'm doing.

If it looks good I will set wheels in motion for a larger army.






Thanks for words of wisdom.

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@ circus. Was considering trying water effects for maximum fetid-ness..


Thanks for the kind words will have a couple more pics up tonight. I put a few more sores etc on him. More just to practise than anything. Bike is looking quite bulky now hahA. I'm not very good at getting the sores small yet but hopefully by the time I get 5 done I should be good.

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So small update.


The biker champ got more pimples.. I tried making some really tiny pustules but I couldn't get them to adhere without squishing them. So any advice would be helpful!



And ontop of that got a wip test scheme for my plague marines. I quite like it so far. Didn't like it at all until I read a how to on this site and gave me the idea of hittin the nurgle parts With red wash. Reall brought it together nicely I think.



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Lookin' good there, brother; keep it up! In addition to the greenstuffing, you can always distress your former loyalist's armor and weapons. I am personally fond of drilling the three-lobed symbol of Nurgle into featureless surfaces, such as the shoulder pad.
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So did a fair bit of work tonight. Got them up to final highlights. And then have to decide on how I will base these fellas.

So here is a rather dark pic. Will take some more in the morning along with my new nurgle bikers





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Mostly finished my bikers tonight. Only thing I want to do is drill a bit of battle damage into them. But can't remember where I put my drill!!







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