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Ulkesh's Night Lords

Brother Ulkesh

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Hello All,


This is a place-holder for my Call of Chaos progress, where I'll be painting 2 squads of Chaos Space Marines, one squad of Warp Talons (yes, I know they're supposed to be rubbish, but the models are just so pretty..) and a Heldrake.


I'll add some starting pictures tomorrow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

November, Update 1

My my, how time flies...

Okay - I've finally got some models put together & ready to start painting. I still have to put one squad of CSMs together, but that can wait for now.

First up, my first CSM squad:


A closer view:


Rest of the squad:


Warp Talons:


Finally, the Heldrake:


I love the way you've used the Raptor heads with the CSM kit. I'm planning to do something similar for my WBs. 'm going to use the DV chosen with bits from the raptor and possessed kits to make my regular CSMs.

Good luck with the Call and I look forward to seeing some paint on the NLs.

Hello All,

Thanks for the comments everyone. The Raptor box contains some really great bits for enhancing the normal CSM kit. I used mine to make Warp Talons, but there was no way I was going to waste the left-overs...

Anyway, I thought I'd add a WIP shot of my Aspiring Champion model. He's not included in the call, as I'd already started painting him before the call started.


This guy's not going to be part of the rank & file, so he'll have more layers & highlights than the standard dudes.

So far, the armour has been based with Kantor Blue, washed with Nuln Oil & highlighted again with Kantor Blue. The trim was based with Brass Scorpion, washed with Nuln oil & highlighted again with Brass Scorpion. Silver is Base Leadbelcher, Nuln wash & highlighted with Ironbreaker.

He still needs a lighter highlight for the blue & brass (maybe the silver, too), the daemon faces on his shoulder & leg have yet to be started, the base needs attention & finally the details like eyes, skulls, cloth & of course the Night Lord lighting.

C&C is gratefully received.

Hello All,

Thanks for the comments everyone. The Raptor box contains some really great bits for enhancing the normal CSM kit. I used mine to make Warp Talons, but there was no way I was going to waste the left-overs...

Anyway, I thought I'd add a WIP shot of my Aspiring Champion model. He's not included in the call, as I'd already started painting him before the call started.


This guy's not going to be part of the rank & file, so he'll have more layers & highlights than the standard dudes.

So far, the armour has been based with Kantor Blue, washed with Nuln Oil & highlighted again with Kantor Blue. The trim was based with Brass Scorpion, washed with Nuln oil & highlighted again with Brass Scorpion. Silver is Base Leadbelcher, Nuln wash & highlighted with Ironbreaker.

He still needs a lighter highlight for the blue & brass (maybe the silver, too), the daemon faces on his shoulder & leg have yet to be started, the base needs attention & finally the details like eyes, skulls, cloth & of course the Night Lord lighting.

C&C is gratefully received.

One of the best Night Lords I've seen in a long while! Very nice work.

What are you planning to do with the daemon faces?

My suggestion would be to paint them in the armour color (so it seems like they are trying to break through the armour) instead of makeing them fleshy.

Thanks for the comments.

I put in a few hours work last night & managed to get the champ finished.





I really liked Lepaca's suggestion about the Daemon faces looking like they were bursting through the armour instead of just being fleshy. I tried to blend the blue of the armour into the purple/pink of the faces, so they'd look like part of the armour, but also stand out as something different & corrupted:


I'm not totally happy with the effect, so I may re-visit it once the call is finished.

Now this guy's off the paint station, I can finally get to work on my pledge!

Thanks for looking.

  • 2 weeks later...



I've noticed a few people mention darker blue. When I was painting Night Lords, I've noticed purple complements perfectly to turn blue in night blue.


The sky is blue,

Sunset's color is an orange that go toward the ultraviolet side of the spectrum as the sun go down...


As a finishing touch, it's really easy to drop purple washes in the blue armor parts... (and lightings won't suffer from it).


I'd try it on the plasma guy and the 2 bolters which appears to be lighter than the last one (the one with the templar elbow).


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