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New Codex, Fast Attack


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I am looking at a MoS Lord on a steed in a unit of bikers with mark and IconE. Gnarly...
Just remember you opponent can declare Focus Fire and since the Bikes have Jink, your Lord will take all the hits. Yea you get Look Out Sir, but how many do you want to make? Kinda inviting disaster-- just use with caution.

Unless you, ofc, put him in cover...

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I am looking at a MoS Lord on a steed in a unit of bikers with mark and IconE. Gnarly...
Just remember you opponent can declare Focus Fire and since the Bikes have Jink, your Lord will take all the hits. Yea you get Look Out Sir, but how many do you want to make? Kinda inviting disaster-- just use with caution.

I agree . Still I have seen a khorn jugger lord take 11 RL , 5 plasmas and 2 squads worth of bolters and still was on 1 wound . Now ,again , am not saying that its the most optimal thing to do , but it was fun to see.

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I am looking at a MoS Lord on a steed in a unit of bikers with mark and IconE. Gnarly...
Just remember you opponent can declare Focus Fire and since the Bikes have Jink, your Lord will take all the hits. Yea you get Look Out Sir, but how many do you want to make? Kinda inviting disaster-- just use with caution.

Unless you, ofc, put him in cover...


Yeah... but then you can't turbo boost because the jink save will be better than the cover, and the enemy will still be able to pick him out. The outflank is nice, it makes attaching a steed of slaanesh lord to some bikes worth considering, but there's no denying that you end up with a lot of extra awkward that way.

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I am looking at a MoS Lord on a steed in a unit of bikers with mark and IconE. Gnarly...
Just remember you opponent can declare Focus Fire and since the Bikes have Jink, your Lord will take all the hits. Yea you get Look Out Sir, but how many do you want to make? Kinda inviting disaster-- just use with caution.

Unless you, ofc, put him in cover...


Yeah... but then you can't turbo boost because the jink save will be better than the cover, and the enemy will still be able to pick him out. The outflank is nice, it makes attaching a steed of slaanesh lord to some bikes worth considering, but there's no denying that you end up with a lot of extra awkward that way.

My bikers plasma guns usually means I don't turbo-boost...

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Put your Lord on a bike, give him Mok and the daemon axe.


Put him in a squad of khorne bikes or unmarked however you prefer with 2 melters.


Add sorceror, hope you roll Invisibility with Mastery level 3. And laugh so hard about 2+ cover save bikes :P


Played them last night. The Lord destroyed everything.

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Put your Lord on a bike, give him Mok and the daemon axe.


Put him in a squad of khorne bikes or unmarked however you prefer with 2 melters.


Add sorceror, hope you roll Invisibility with Mastery level 3. And laugh so hard about 2+ cover save bikes :P


Played them last night. The Lord destroyed everything.


Its units like this that keep pushing me to take Noise Marines. The ability to deny cover in a variety of ways is seeming to be increasingly more powerful.

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I agree with the discussion of chaos spawn. They are pretty cool to think of and would fit nicely using the FW Renegade Ogryn's following the chaos cultists around.


Bikes bikes bikes though!


I5 seems very very attractive,


T5 base is nice, you are already mitigating some damage from S5 SM's.


I like MOK + Banner, giving you S5 T5 4 attacks w/ re-roll's to hit and 1 hammer of wrath attack.

It's alot of volume and the re-roll on the assault range can save your butt.


MOS just on its own is solid as well, having I5 means you go before many other units out there.


I've been thinking of running 20 bikers + HQ choices, and the 3rd slot bounces around raptor suicide team (terminators do this better), 5 spawn w/ mon..


I am still up in the air on flyers in general. It seems like the Helldrake could do really good things, but also could do a whole lot of nothing depending on other factors.


I still like the idea of running a Stormeagle once its rules are polished. Being able to drop 20 chaos space marines anywhere, or 10 cheap terminators anywhere. Very fun sounding. Plus the conversion possibility's of a Night Lord Stormeagle :D

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I am looking at a MoS Lord on a steed in a unit of bikers...
...and since the Bikes have Jink, your Lord will take all the hits. Yea you get Look Out Sir, but how many do you want to make? Kinda inviting disaster-- just use with caution.


Or use a bike. Cheaper and Jinkier.


...is jinkier a word? It should be. I like it.




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