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Hail and well met fellows


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Ok, so maybe that greeting was a bit more medieval than I intended, all the same, Hi folks! I'm a painter sort of type from the great State of Texas, specifically Houston. I've been lurking for the better part of a year now as I've been painting up my DIY Marine Chapter, the November Warriors. I figured this is maybe a good time to join up and start getting some opinions and feedback from other gamers out there in the world. I was introduced to 40K some 10-12 years ago when the first GW store in the local area opened up, but only recently started to buy and paint models as of May last year. Since then I've spent a bit more time than is probably healthy obsessing over various models and tactics I'd like to try out, and spending the totality of my disposable (and non-disposable) income on Dreadnoughts and Land Raiders. Though, I am coming to find that this is one of the cheaper hobbies I've gotten into, building race cars and home data centers are fun and all, but at some point you realize that living off hummus and pita chips isn't very glamorous.

Though I do spend a lot of time painting (and in one instance 36 hours of painting to win an in-store event) I don't think I'm all that great of a model painter, but I do have fun, and I guess that's all that matters. I guess with that, all that's really left is for me to post up some pictures. Happy trails Y'all!


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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! I'm a wee bit shocked that this is one of your cheaper hobbies! If that's the case you're going to be better off at this than some of us poor schmucks. :)
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Yeah, my scale of cost is all skewed, when 100.00 bolts sound like a good investment I figured I needed a new hobby, which coincidentally was producing/recording music, a few grand and a couple of tracks later I decided 40K would be a bit more relaxing :P And yep, I am working on getting some good pics to put up, and typing out my chapters history for Liber so I can figure what needs to be changed or tightened up.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Rock, lots of rock! Heavy Southern Sludge, Alt, Black Country Metal, Speed, Thrash, Militaristic, we were... eclectic.

A not so aggressive clip from when we were tracking a solo track. I may be biased, but our more aggressive stuff (which for whatever reason has never appeared online) I think is perfect for war gaming :cuss

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