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Dark Angels Novitiate


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Hello my Brothers.


Due to a maleficent and wasteful illness I have been locked away in secret these past 10 years and attended by the finest physicians and Chirurgeons of the Imperium. Thankfully, my blood was purged of my illness and I have been released, free to roam the stars and bring death to the Enemies of Mankind once more (random fluff).


Recently I was gifted a Dark Vengeance Limited Ed box for my birthday. It has been long since I painted. 10 years or more. I have had experience daubing fearsome Orks and the vile Tyranids and even a few of the Emperors Finest, but this is my first attempt at Dark Angels.


Below are a few of my first models. These are not from the DV box but rather a few old Tactical Marines I've had laying around for an eternity (blasphemy, I know) that I wanted to practice on first.


I have an innate tremor, a legacy of the medications I was forced to take as a youth and as such it is rather hard for me to paint quickly and efficiently so please do not judge me too harshly! These four models have taken me roughly 10 hours. Hopefully this will improve with practice. I would appreciate any tips anyone is willing to give, especially on how to paint the folds in robes and standards.


The base coat was Imperial Primer over which I painted Waagh! Flesh darkened with Imperial Primer and then the whole model was washed in Coelia Greenshade. The armour highlights (if you can see them) have been done with straight, thinned, Warpstone Glow.


Sergeant (un-highlighted) -




All four -



Tactical without weapons. Weapons have been painted and glued now. Flamer on left and Melta on right -



Sergeant and Tactical Marine. The Tac Marine I put together first and in a hurry and as a result it was hard to paint and looks horrible -



As of posting this I have actually done a bit more. The Sergeant has been highlighted and the Tac Marines have had their weapons done and glued and also I have based them with flock (which, I might add, is insanely hard to deal with!). I can post some updated pics later if anyone is interested in seeing the difference. I am rather happy with how the Sergeant looks.


Apologies if I have broken any forum rules or protocols with this post. I read through the Laws of the Lion but couldn't see anything pertinent.


Thank you for taking the time to read this Brothers.

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Have you tried joining up to the path to redemption? It'll help motivate you with your painting and get you more involved with other DA players.


In regards to the models, what are your plans for basing?


Haven't looked into that yet. My work hours are brutal so I only really get about 30 mins to 1 hour a day to paint (more time on weekends). Once I've had a look around I might join, but it's hard to stick to vows. :)


For basing at present I was just looking at grass flock (came with the paint kit), nothing too fancy. I've done the base of the beak marine and I thought it looked pretty good. I was thinking about perhaps adding a few small rocks (painted plastic chunks from the sprues) and other little interesting details but to begin with I am more so concentrating on the models themselves.


Surprisingly I've also never actually played a game of WH40k, so that's also a main objective. My fiancée is painting Eldar (as evidenced by the boxes in the background of the pics) and I also have the Chaos models to do. I'd love to throw up a couple of battle reports eventually as that was what initially got me into 40k, via White Dwarf fluff.

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for the cloth robes/tabards/surplices. Maybe a little bit of bleached bone(or whatever it is now.) maybe mixed a tiny bit of a light leather color with it. after that then go with agrax earthshade. Then add some ceramite white to the earlier mix or mixed with the bleached bone and dry brush it on for the highlight on the robes bumpy areas.
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for the cloth robes/tabards/surplices. Maybe a little bit of bleached bone(or whatever it is now.) maybe mixed a tiny bit of a light leather color with it. after that then go with agrax earthshade. Then add some ceramite white to the earlier mix or mixed with the bleached bone and dry brush it on for the highlight on the robes bumpy areas.


Thank you, that's helpful. I tried painting through the folds with Imperial Primer and then dry brushing Ceramite White over the top, but I didn't like the look. Too unnatural. Will have to pop down to the local GW and grab some Agrax Earthshade.

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Also it smells a lot better than it's predecessor too. Devlan mud. That stuff smeeeeeeeeeeelled!


Oh and remember you don't need to go to heavy on the Agrax. Unless you are wanting a gritty, dirty look on the robe. I did that with the Cygnar I am doing for a friend but I feel Warmachine is all dirty though with all the coal powered 'Jacks and all.

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for the robes, zandry dust(sp?), agrax wash, dry brush,ushbati bone, then screaming skull. it's quick and easy, and looks good on a table top! and aheartfelt welcome to the Rock!


Cheers mate. I am going to try these techniques when I get home. I don't have the right colours but I'm sure I can mix something that will look decent with the colours I do have. When I head into town next I'll grab a whole bunch more paints.


lqtm. I can understand that. ^^^ I think the ones he said are the new colors. I still have a bunch of the old. I actually don't even have Ceramite white yet. I still got Skull white. lqtm


Yeah, I still have a bunch of pots from 10 years ago. Obviously they're all dry now. :(


The new paints are pretty good though, I am liking them so far and I like the design of the lids. Nice and tight fit so no accidental spills or drying from leaving them half open. Will post some more pics in a day or two once I have finished up a few details.

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Hello again Brothers.


As promised, here are some update pics of my practice models. The first four I am not happy with. They will probably end up stripped and redone.





Not a fan of the colors on this one. I'll need to go and buy some new paints before trying to paint robes again:




And this one is just a photo of the base, for Elmo! :)



Now, this next model is my first serious attempt at dry brushing and I am very happy with the results. This look was achieved by basing the model in Imperial Black then undercoating with darkened Waaagh! Flesh. Then I dry brushed straight Warpstone Glow over the whole model, followed by a wash of Coelia Greenshade and finally a wash of Nuln Oil to darken the whole thing. Now he just needs some touching up and lightening of the highlights and he's good to go.






This is the last lot of pics I'll post in this thread. Soon I'll start a WIP thread for my DV set and probably begin my journey down The Path of Redemption as well! :)


Thanks again for reading Brothers.

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Welcome captain quirk! That's some really great work for your first few Dark Angels. I would concur with all the brothers suggesting using a shade wash for the cloth. Washes are super great and easy to use. They're great for faces as well. Take a flesh color paint, use a flesh wash, and go back and highlight with the original paint, and you're done! Faces used to be so scary for me before I started using washes. Looking forward to your DV thread!
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Thanks all. I am going to go and raid my local GW's paint stock tomorrow for some extra paints and the washes I will need. Does anyone have any other suggestions? For metallic I already have Leadbelcher and Burnished Gold. What about skin colors? I am going to grab Badab black and Agrax for washes and have a look at some others.


Isiah - I did get quite a lot of the mold lines but I definitely missed some and some that I thought I'd gotten appear to have not been gotten enough, after I started painting. :)


WatchCaptainAzrael - Yes Watch Captain. Upon my oath I will strip Melta Gunners armor and start from scratch. He shall be the blingest of the Unforgiven! :) I really liked him when I first finished him, but after I'd started on rocket guy I realized that I could do a whole lot better. I Actually had no idea what that symbol on his shoulder meant until right now. Now I will definitely bling him up.


Avon Rekaes - Thank you. I'll be starting my DV set either today or tomorrow. Going to start with the Dark Angels Marines first and then perhaps move on to the Deathwing (always wanted to own some Terminators).

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great Unforgiven colours;



zandri dust

seraphim sepia

ushabti bone

screaming skull



Caliban green

biel tan green(get a pot of nuln oil and mix these together, trust me, it's awesome)

warpstone glow

moot green(optional, I don't use it)

waywatcher green



Khorne red

agrax earthshade

evil sunz scarlet



Lead belcher

nuln oil

runefang steel

balthasar gold

agrax earthshade

golden griffin (dry)



bugman's glow

reikland fleshshade

cadian flesh



ceremite white

abbadon black

yriel yellow

macragge blue

steel legion drab


administratum grey


balor brown


I know it's a long list, but better over prepared than not. some duplicate, because I trie to keep the colours needed in the sequence you would need for each section(robes, power armour, etc) hope this helps. and not to tow the "GW" party line or anything, but I can't recommend their new "how to paint citadel miniatures" book enoufgh, the DVD it comes with alone is worth the price to me.

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Oh and I feel I should reiterate the PA wash...........


It's one pot of biel tan green

one pot of nuln oil

mix them in one pot or the other

top off with water

and dear god, pull the label off so you don't confuse it with another wash(experience, it's a :P ).


this makes the power amour real easy to do

1.caliban green

2.super secret Dark Angel wash

3.clean up with caliban green

4. hilight with warpstone glow



this recipe yields a very dark Dark Angel.

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