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Power axes


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Its fairly evident that the power axe is quickly becoming the upgrade of choice. I know you get 2 in the sang guard box but where else can we get them. im not oppsed to using 3rd party sites like chapter house but they dont seem to have any. is there a place to get them?
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Bits vendors, assault marines box, Sanguinary guard box and black templars upgrade sprues have sure one hand axes. I've got whole bunch iof cheap Blkack Templar power axes from bits vendors. I think I got now full dozen of power axeswaiting for magnetizing and 6 power mauls. Few Death Company with Power axels and Power mauls are quite fearsome...
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Thanks for all the replies. I looked at some bits sites and power axe are anything but cheap. $2-7 dollars depending on which style. I think I solved my own problem though. I built a prototype at work today and i really like ill post a pic later
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Reason why theyre so popular for me is that 3/4 of my armies powerweapons were axes, because I find them cooler :) The HQ characters all had powerswords. considering swapping some out...


Also 2+ saves are huge now so we need something to remove said armour saves with ^_^

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  • 5 weeks later...
I believe GW policy is only GW stuff in store.

But I couldnt say how closely they enforce that, variably would be likely


That was my thoughts, but honestly if GW fail to produce any decent Axe kits, you should be able to include third party axes instead. It's daft that Power Axes are now the go to power weapon... yet they still haven't got a decent kit.


What I don't want to do is spend hours creating an army only to roll up and be turned away "Because 4 of your models have axes from another model maker! Heathen, burn him!" etc. etc.

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Yeah I'm not a fan of axes, but I had a chaos unit champ with a sword massacre three PF assault serges.


So its hit and miss really.


I think a lot of people who jumped to axes will come to regret it, except maybe on secondary chars, like librarians and priests

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I think a lot of people who jumped to axes will come to regret it, except maybe on secondary chars, like librarians and priests


You hit the nail on the head. The way I run it, Sarges get the swords, IC characters get the axes. The axe benefits from the higher WS, and if you get challenged (or need to challenge) then you push up the less valuable sergeant and have him swing away with his sword. Alternately if certain units have the option for a regular rank-and-file member to carry an axe, that's a great situation. A Grey Hunter with an Axe is essentially the "hidden powerfist" of 5th. Just doesn't work on characters that can be singled out by challenges.


One of my favorite challenge moments came a couple weeks ago, going up against a Deathwing player. My Assault Squad lost a guy to overwatch and rolled mediocre for charge distance, stranding themselves in front of a Terminator squad. After the termies shot them up, the unit was down to a Librarian with an axe, a Sanguinary Priest with a chainsword (points were tight), and 2 Assault Marines, who got charged by 4 terminators. Challenge gets issued, and the priest goes up agianst the hammer-wielding Term Sergeant, the rest of the combatants punch each other. Priest manages to inflict 1-2 wounds, Terminator Sarge fails his save. Libby with Axe kills another Terminator and is simultaneously pulped by thunderhammers, leaving just the Sanguinary Priest testing on ld 6. He passes, combat remains locked. On my turn a 5-man Assault Marine squad runs on foot towards the combat. Uses their jump packs to charge in, all 5 Hammer of Wrath hits wound, killing another terminator. Because of the priest the charging squad gets furious charge and proceed to murder the last two hammer-wielding Terminators at I4. They consolidate back onto my home objective in The Emperor's Will, for the win. ;)


The challenge was the best part, because I absurdly boasted that my priest was "gonna inflict a Sanguinary Beatdown on this Terminator Sergeant before he even gets to swing!" So now I know to always call the result before rolling the dice. :cuss

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I've always taken fists on my assault serges, but am thinking back, and since challenges came in, there has only been one occurrence of a fist Serge doing anything but being cut down when pitted against a sword alone.


However when there has been a PF Serge AND a Rec with a club or a captain with a claw, its been rather different.

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Tell me about it. I've got like six sergeants all armed with power fists (or thunder hammers, since I prefer the look) because all my 5th ed squad leaders had them. Now its really the extra characters where you want the axes or fists. A power sword/lightning claw for a sergeant is a good buy usually, though you can always skimp and not buy him any upgrades so that when/if he gets killed, the loss is minimized. But with character models that get WS 5, I'd much rather put the more powerful tools in their hands.
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Tell me about it. I've got like six sergeants all armed with power fists (or thunder hammers, since I prefer the look) because all my 5th ed squad leaders had them. Now its really the extra characters where you want the axes or fists. A power sword/lightning claw for a sergeant is a good buy usually, though you can always skimp and not buy him any upgrades so that when/if he gets killed, the loss is minimized. But with character models that get WS 5, I'd much rather put the more powerful tools in their hands.


But that's only when you have an extra character in the unit. I see a ton of people not taking any fists at all just to save a few points.

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Emperor bless our codex and the ability to give RAS sergeants storm shields. Don't get the +1A anyway, might as well give him a fist/claw and have him be a tank/challenge contender in a libbies/priests place. The way I see it you need a ++ save to give a character an unwieldy weapon... or as mentioned have some hammer bait sitting around.
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But that's only when you have an extra character in the unit. I see a ton of people not taking any fists at all just to save a few points.


If I didn't have an extra character, I probably wouldn't go with axe or fist, unless it could be taken on a non-character model. Challenges are just too problematic when you only have a single sergeant around--best case scenario is he lives to swing and pulps his adversary, so at least the model is lost, but all those points spent on a fist killed 1 guy. Worst case is the opposing character kills your's first. In the middle would be refusing the challenge (so as not to lose your powerfist sergeant), but not getting to swing with him. If you're going to tie up points in a sergeant, you really need a 2nd character to be able to pick and choose your fights. Its one of the things I like about Grey Hunters--no Wolf Guard, no characters to challenge.


For a lone Sergeant, I think its Sword/Claw or nothing.

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Definitely concur. It is all about who you are running in the unit.


Sword on Sergeant and Priest with Fist is a great combo. You are paying the points you would have paid in 5th but you get the advantage of the Priest WS5 and being able to 'hide' him from challenges.

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